General Information

  • Location: 2E.21
  • Open Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-16:30
    (there is a manager on call 24/7; see security at 2E.14, if manager on call is required.)

Department organigram chart

For all requests relating to Building Maintenance, please:

General Information
ÆßÐDzʿª½± Building Maintenance
Email: Show Email
Office: 2E.21
Local: 1200

For all requests relating to Facilities Management – Office:

Administrative Technician
Donnette Kirby
Email: Show Email
Office: 2E.21
Local: 1401

Facilities Management Role

  • Facilities Management is a service-oriented department. It strives at all times to provide technical and non-technical support and services to the College community, creating and maintaining a clean, comfortable, safe and functional campus environment, conducive to learning and working.
  • It manages the College’s physical assets through efficient utilization of available resources to ensure that the College can fulfill its mission.

Last Modified: October 29, 2024