
A New Virtual Community of Practice on AQPC Website

We are pleased to announce that a community of practice on inclusive pedagogy is now available on the Association ±ç³Üé²ú鳦´Ç¾±²õ±ð »å±ðÌý±èé»å²¹²µ´Ç²µ¾±±ð ³¦´Ç±ô±ôé²µ¾±²¹±ô±ð (AQPC) website. In collaboration with several partners, this community intends to respond to the needs of faculty, professionals and support staff from virtually all college services and departments. It is open to everyone who is interested and committed to promoting inclusive teaching practices in his or her college. Whether you are a teacher, professional, administrator, support staff, researcher, francophone, anglophone, or bilingual – everyone is welcome to participate and to share resources, tips, experiences, material, and ideas. In other words, this group is meant to provide information and support that a community can offer.

We hope that this website will be able to meet your needs. Our general goal is clear: by working together, we can become even better!

Please consider joining this community of practice. Together, we can create even better inclusive practices for all of our students! 

Please share the link below with colleagues that you deem are or may be interested in inclusion.

Hope to see you there soon!

Effie, Laure and Catherine from UDL@ÆßÐDzʿª½± team

Last Modified: November 1, 2018