Criticisms of academic freedom miss the mark and risk the integrity of scholarship

While academic freedom itself might sound like a unique notion, granting special tools or rights to specific professions is rather commonplace.

In the era of today’s heated culture wars, the concepts of academic freedom and freedom of expression have become increasingly conflated. Divisive political debates around , and talk of establishing “” are just some recent examples. Academic freedom is being subsumed into the oftentimes polarizing rhetoric concerning what is commonly referred to as free speech.

But the two are different. Free speech is about the right to express one’s opinion, however accurate, false, good or bad it might be.

Academic freedom requires professional competency as determined by disciplinary communities. It is most succinctly defined by the  as, “freedom of inquiry and research; freedom of teaching within the university or college; and freedom of extramural utterance and action.”

This is what makes laws like Québec’s Bill 32 problematic. It further  between freedom of speech and academic freedom. Bill 32 is troubling because it grants the government special powers to dictate what happens in university classrooms. That  the very principles of academic freedom its proponents are purportedly trying to protect.

Academic freedom — and the corresponding protections of tenure — are often portrayed by conservative politicians and spokespersons as a  demanded by professors looking for a cushy frill few others enjoy. That kind of narrative might be convenient fodder for populists trying to gain support for their own agendas, but is the need for academic freedom really all that unusual?

The truth is that, while academic freedom itself might sound like a unique notion, granting special tools or rights to specific professions is rather commonplace.

Work-specific considerations are common

In order to effectively carry out the duties, tasks and responsibilities of one’s employment, workers in many fields are granted special access or consideration to otherwise publicly restricted tools, working conditions or rights.

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Last Modified: September 14, 2022