
The following information comes from your science students’ information guide

Comprehensive Examination

The Comprehensive Examination establishes whether or not a student fulfills the requirements of the Exit Profile (i.e., has attained the program’s objectives at the specified performance standard). All components of the Comprehensive Examination must be passed in order for a student to obtain a D.E.C. In the case of the Science Program, this should mean that the student is ready to begin university studies in a science‐related field. There are three aspects of preparation for university studies:

  • to acquire knowledge of specific content;
  • to master certain skills such as: the ability to analyze and synthesize; the ability to communicate effectively; the ability to apply acquired knowledge to new situations; and the ability to work autonomously.
  • to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills of the basic components of a rigorous scientific and general education.

The student will build a portfolio by completing and passing one project in each of two science courses as well as one in the Block B Humanities courses and one in French courses. Some projects conducted within a course will contribute marks towards the final grade in that course, while others are on a pass/fail basis. Projects conducted outside a course will be marked only on a pass/fail basis.

At the end of the student’s last semester, the Comprehensive Examination Coordinator will verify that the student has successfully completed all four portfolio components.

The first portfolio item will be a compulsory experiment and science paper in General Biology I.

The second and third items will be projects in the student’s Block B French and Humanities courses.

The fourth item will be done in a science course or activity normally taken in third or fourth semester. The list of eligible courses or activities are:

  • Elements of Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Organic Chemistry I
  • Organic Chemistry II
  • Physical Geology
  • Linear Algebra
  • Calculus III
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Waves, Optics and Modern Physics (Health Science profile ONLY)
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Engineering Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Environmental Biology
  • Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineering and Science
  • Other activities approved by the Science Program Committee

Each student must complete:

  1. A science paper on an independent experiment in General Biology I
    The experiment will be designed, executed and analyzed by the student, working in a group of up to three people. The experiment will be chosen by the students in each working group with the approval and guidance of the teacher. More information on the first portfolio item is available in the General Biology I course outline.
  2. A project in the Block B French course
    The student will prepare both a written and an oral presentation on a topic related to science. The level of proficiency of written and spoken French required depends on the student’s entering level.
  3. A 1,200‐2,500 word essay in the Block B Humanities course
    The topic of the essay will be chosen by the student with the approval and the guidance of the teacher of the course. The essay will deal with an ethical issue related to the sciences. You must pass this essay to pass this course.
  4. Independent Study project
    The student will choose one of the following with the approval and the guidance of the teacher of the course, the coordinator of the profile (i.e., the Environmental Science Coordinator) or the Science Program Coordinator:

    1. A relevant topic not included in a course (e.g., a chapter in the textbook).
      The student will turn in a workbook with solutions for a set of agreed‐upon problems or exercises.
    2. A theoretical proof of a difficulty beyond the usual course level.
    3. Solutions to a set of problems of a difficulty beyond the usual course level.The problems will be from topics included in the course.
    4. A computer program designed to perform a simulation or a calculation of a certain difficulty.
    5. A video showing a scientific demonstration, or other didactic theme.
    6. A poster session style presentation of a topic not included in the course.
    7. A second experimental project.
    8. A departmentally‐approved project.The student may propose a project that does not fit any of the above types. This can include activities and competitions held within and outside the College. This project will be subject to the guidelines established by the department and the approval of the teacher of the course in which the project is evaluated, as well as the Science Activities Coordinator.
    9. A presentation in Environmental Science Seminar (in the 4th semester).A new option for the Independent Study Component of the CE has been developed within the Environmental Science profile and is open to all science students. There are two paths to choose from: those students who enjoy working outside and are intrigued with processes occurring in their surroundings, can design and carry out a field based scientific experiment; others may choose to explore an environmentally based topic with an in‐depth literature search. Topics for each project must be approved by the Environmental Biology instructor and the collection of data for the field project must begin in the 3rd semester Environmental Biology course. The project must be completed and presented to a panel of teachers and fellow students during the Environmental seminar series in the 4th semester.

Last Modified: September 29, 2016