Rebel Daughter
Playwright: A collective (re)creation based on the autobiography of Doris AndersonDirector: Jude Beny
Students: Third Major
An ensemble piece about one of Canada’s foremost feminists, Doris Anderson: journalist, women’s rights activist and editor of “Chatelaine” in the 50s and 60s. During that time she revolutionized the magazine’s content, throwing grenades like articles on rape, abortion, divorce and sex into its traditionally wholesome and housewife-friendly editorial pages. She is also well-known for her fight for the inclusion of sexual equality into Canada’s Charter of Rights. “Rebel Daughter” was originally developed from the autobiography by Doris Anderson, by Theatre Erindale under the direction of Heinar Piller, at the University of Toronto and Sheridan College joint Theatre and Drama Studies Program in November 2013. It is now being reinvented by our third-year students in their final production before graduating. An examination of Anderson’s life, particularly in light of recent events, invites us to reflect upon, and reinvest in women’s issues today.