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Projects for Peace

ÆßÐDzʿª½± is committed to making a positive impact in our community. Projects for Peace aims to rejuvenate and spark healthy personal, group and community relationships. The event will involve participants from other countries and nations in three collaborative groups designing solutions to real-world challenges. The resulting projects will be implemented during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Would you like to get involved in Phase II of the project? Come to the Closing Soirée, find out what stage each project is at, and what needs to happen next. If the project description has won you over already, and you know that you would like to get involved contact us! Project teams will be formed after the three day event to carry on the project throughout the year.

Tools for Peace

One of the most important aspects of peace is the appropriate management and resolution of interpersonal conflict. Frequently, conflict arises in organizations when individuals do not have the tools to mitigate problems. In this project, participants will design a process for conflict resolution that can be adapted and adopted by any department. The idea is to provide employees with the best possible kinds of tools to manage daily interpersonal relationships within the scope of an institutional setting.

Indigenous Art Boutique

Fair trade and recognition of labour can play a significant but important step in restoration and reconciliation of past unethical and disenfranchising cultural practices towards Indigenous communities. Innovative and socially responsible business practices can raise awareness, stimulate alternative consumer choices, and support Indigenous artists and their communities. The Indigenous Art Boutique project will engage participants in creating a fair trade business plan as well as navigating the logistics of this type of endeavour. The idea is to then bring the project to life. The resulting boutique will be launched during the 2016-2017 academic year.

Urban Restoration

Natural landscaping is not only beneficial for local wildlife and can act as a living lab for educational purposes, but presence in Nature has been shown to significantly reduce stress, absenteeism, violence and benefit mental and physical health while increasing positive emotions. This project will focus on creating a rooftop ecological area and then engage in strategize ways to bring the classroom to into the space as well as how to use it as a way to build community.

Last Modified: August 4, 2021