Today marks the 15th anniversary of the shooting at Dzʿ


Montreal, Monday, September 13, 2021 – The 15th anniversary of the Dzʿ shooting will be marked by quiet reflection in the Peace Garden. No formal commemorations events will be held due to strict COVID restrictions being followed by the College to ensure the health and safety of students, faculty and staff who have returned to the campus this term for the first time since March 2020.

The Peace Garden, created to honour the memory of Anastasia De Sousa who was killed that day, will remain accessible as it is all year round. However, COVID protocols for outside gatherings must be respected. The Garden is located in the northwest corner of the campus near Sherbrooke St. West and Wood Ave.

For those who survived the tragedy on September 13, 2006, the anniversary remains a difficult day, as it is for employees who were at the College. We ask that you respect their privacy. For the family of Anastasia De Sousa, September 13 is particularly painful, but they take heart in the continued support of the Dzʿ and Montreal communities in remembering their loss.

“Our daughter, forever in our hearts and present in spirit, was robbed of her bright future,” said Louise De Sousa, speaking on behalf of her family. “She was taken as she was exploring her future, doing what young adults should be doing. We hope no other family ever has to face something like this. We are extremely thankful and stand by Dzʿ in its efforts to bring peace to this tragic event and create an environment of comfort.”

“We had hoped that we would see more tangible improvements for tougher gun laws, but here we are, 15 years later and gun control is still being attacked and has become a campaign issue in these upcoming elections. For families who have experienced loss as a result of gun violence, and sadly, our numbers are growing, it is disappointing and disheartening.”

These concerns go to the very heart of the Dzʿ community’s abiding commitment to peace, both in action and education. This commitment is discernible through its pedagogical approaches and various projects, events and activities (when feasible in view of pandemic).


Donna Varrica, Communications Coordinator, Dzʿ

514 931-8731 ext 1352

514 809-1302

Last Modified: September 13, 2021