Your input is needed for the strat plan


Student success is the topic, and strategic planning is the reason.

The strategic planning process does not happen frequently (typically every five years), but it is a very important one. Within the broad context of an organization’s mission, values and vision, the strategic planning process is intended to position an organization for success, to align people behind shared goals and to ensure that resources are appropriately allocated to achieve those goals.

Leanne Bennett, Dean of Science, Medical Studies & Engineering, and a member of the Strategic Planning Working Group will meet sector councils over the next few weeks to provide an overview of the strategic planning process and to encourage departments to discuss the important topic of student success. Katherine McWhaw, Coordinator of Quality Assurance and Planning and also a member of the Working Group, will engage in the same process with various College services.

To prepare for these upcoming departmental consultations, you might find it helpful to review our last Strategic Plan, and the Graduate Profile in particular. The Graduate Profile constitutes ÆßÐDzʿª½±â€™s local definition of student success and outlines the broad outcomes that ÆßÐDzʿª½± expects students to develop in the course of their studies here. It speaks to the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes that will prepare our students for further study, for the world of work, for citizenship, and for life in general.

The involvement of all segments of the College community in the strategic planning process is essential, and we look forward to receiving your input. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the strategic planning process or upcoming consultations, please send an email to this address.

Last Modified: April 20, 2022