Q & A with Adamo Petosa, Teaching Excellence recipient


How would you describe your teaching philosophy?

I haven’t really thought about this. If there is one thing I feel is most important, then it’s caring for our students. I realize they are going through life, just as we are. They have highs and lows, goals and struggles. Our courses are but a small stepping stone on the path to their goals. I don’t expect all my students to love the content. Still, if it’s presented in the most human of ways, and we take the time to account for our students’ realities and to listen to them, the outcomes can be fantastic. No matter how many times I’ve taught a course, I feel it is important to go through the whole experience with them rather than simply dispensing the material in an inhuman and mechanical manner. Make no assumptions and allow them to take the wheel from time to time. Student success balances on understanding students.

What makes teaching at ÆßÐDzʿª½± special?

I just really enjoy working with the students at ÆßÐDzʿª½±. The words “job” or “career” seem inappropriate here – it is far more than that. I am extremely grateful for all the support I’ve received from technicians, fellow instructors, support staff and deans alike. I’m just a small part of an extraordinary team. I’ve been extremely fortunate to have worked with exceptional students, of all ages and backgrounds, in a motivating, safe, cooperative and inclusive environment.

What is your favourite thing about teaching?

It keeps me young, energized and on my toes. There is always someone fascinating to speak to, learn from and exchange with. The next challenge is always around the corner. It is an honour to teach. I thank ÆßÐDzʿª½± for this opportunity.

Last Modified: October 10, 2024