Message from the Director General


I really hope that everyone was able to disconnect, relax and think about other things than COVID-19 over the long Easter weekend.

Despite the fact that we are getting some encouraging news and, following our Premier’s own words, that sunny days will be back soon, we are still in the midst of this battle to defeat the deadly virus.

Ministerial order 
Last Friday, the Quebec Government adopted a ministerial order giving the Health Sector the extraordinary power to call upon college and school board employees to provide additional support to the regular personnel working in the clinical milieu and to perform certain tasks deemed to be essential.

In the wake of this governmental decree, ÆßÐDzʿª½±â€™s H.R. Department in conjunction with the Academic Administration has begun a process to identify employees who can be available to fulfill some of these tasks.  In close coordination with the other colleges on the island of Montreal, we will try our best to respond to the needs of the Health Sector without putting in jeopardy our work to salvage the academic year.

Healthcare needs 
Currently, there is an on-going discussion with the Health Sector representatives to get a good grasp of their needs.  For the time being, these needs seem to be primarily related to health care. Rest assured that before providing any list of available resources and pursuant to the ministerial order, we will consult with the union representatives.

We are certainly not dealing with straightforward issues. Therefore, I would like to, once again, express my deep gratitude for your understanding and contribution to what has been called a “wartime effort.â€

Have a good week!

Richard Filion
Director General




Last Modified: April 14, 2020