3,500 students return to empty lockers


Close to 3,500 students returned to Dzʿ over the last two weeks of May to retrieve their belongings from their lockers.

“It went very well,” said Director of Student Services Monique Magnan. “Over 40 staff members participated in this operation.”

The students were allowed in small numbers by appointment. Student Services and the Security team set up safety protocols and supervised the operation.

In addition to accessing lockers, students were able to retrieve their belongings from the Forum and in classrooms of technical programs. They were also able to return books to the Library, which waived late fees. Sports uniforms were returned and student-athletes were able to empty their lockers in PARC.

The remaining items in lockers will be given to charity organizations. “Our cleaning sub-contractors will be cleaning all the lockers over the next two weeks and then the locks will be put back on the lockers,” said Monique.

“Thanks to all who participated in this 10-day effort!” said Monique.

-Photos by Johanna Stosik 

locker hall
Photo credit: Johanna Stosik


Last Modified: June 2, 2020