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Thursday, Sep. 12, 2024

Campus Life, Decolonization, Events, Learning opportunities, Well-being for all

Truth and Reconciliation Week at Dzʿ

The College has a wide range of activities planned in the days leading up to September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The entire community is encouraged to participate, engage and learn more about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, the legacy of colonization and the steps still needed towards reconciliation across our country and within the Dzʿ community.

Please visit the link for the full schedule.

Read More - Truth and Reconciliation Week at Dzʿ

#DzʿProud, Decolonization

New Orange Shirt Day artwork by Dzʿ Visual Arts student

Shayla Chloë Oroho:te Etienne, a student in Visual Arts at Dzʿ, created "Remember me," an artistic image to be used on t-shirts created for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and for promoting related events at Dzʿ.

T-shirts featuring Shayla’s art will be on sale while supplies last throughout the week of Sept. 23 in the Upper Atrium.They will cost $15 for students with valid Dzʿ student ID and $20 for faculty and staff. Profits will be donated to the First Peoples’ Centre.

The Communications Office did a brief Q & A with Shayla. Visit the link to read it.

Read More - New Orange Shirt Day artwork by Dzʿ Visual Arts student

Student Services

(Re)introduction to Student Services

With a new director and a variety of new staff throughout the department, the Student Services team is excited to start the 2024-2025 academic year off on the right foot. It began with Welcome Days before the first day of class, where a record 2,675 students attended to learn more about Dzʿ and their respective programs.

“We’ve been telling students to explore their schedules as part of Welcome Days for years, but this year they really took it to heart and the hallways were crowded before school even started,” said Caroline Blouin, Associate Director of Student Services responsible for Welcome Days.

Visit the link for more on Student Services and a practical pdf file to print and keep handy.

Read More - (Re)introduction to Student Services

Decolonization, In the news/in social media, Well-being for all

Help share the Dzʿ Student Union petition for Indigenous students

The Dzʿ Student Union’s has been steadily picking up signatures. At time of publication, it was at 2,038 signatures. The DSU is urging everyone to sign and share the petition as we get close to the halfway point of the campaign.

“Leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on Sept. 30, this is something everyone can actually do as a concrete gesture to support the future of Indigenous nations,” said Leilah Doyle, DSU Vice-President External Affairs.

“We urge our fellow students and all Quebecers to stand with Indigenous youth and to listen to what they have to say. This is a chance for younger students to also participate since the petition is open to those under 18.”

Here are all the links for sharing:

  • Petition in English:
  • Petition in French:
  • Facebook post:
  • Instagram post:
  • LinkedIN post:

The DSU will be actively tabling and mobilizing on campus Sept. 23-27. Other plans are also in the works, including organizing a delegation to Quebec City in October.

Communications Office

Sneak peek at Dzʿ’s new self-guided tour

Working with a company that has created great tours for other academic institutions, such as McGill University and the Sacred Heart School of Montreal, the Communications Office is preparing to launch a new self-guided tour for visitors, especially for prospective students and their families.

The hope is to make the tour experience better and to open up the possibility of touring Dzʿ any day you choose during opening hours. We will be suggesting that students interested in Dzʿ come after school to do the self-guided tour and make it into a "Dzʿ Experience" by combining it with enjoying a snack in the cafeteria, taking in a play by our Professional Theatre students or watching a home game of the Dzʿ Blues.

The tour is available in English and in French and has audio files in both languages narrated by Dzʿ Theatre graduates. The idea is that they walk around the campus with their phone and ear buds. Texts are also available. The departure point is the Atwater Metro Station entrance and the tour takes visitors to 15 general-interest stops. People with reduced mobility will be invited to contact the Student AccessAbility Centre to set up a personal tour.

The tour is not yet final and there is still more work required. For example, a few more photos will be taken this weekend, and signage will be going up around the college. However, we wanted to give our colleagues a sneak peek before we roll out our web page and start promoting it.

  • English tour:
  • French tour:

If you have feedback, feel free to email:

Peace Centre

18 Years of Remembrance: Honouring Anastasia De Sousa

It has been 18 years since the Dzʿ community suffered the tragic loss of one of its students, and many others were left wounded.
In honour of Anastasia De Sousa's memory and as a gesture of healing, a tree was planted in the Peace Garden—a space that symbolizes life, renewal, and tranquility.
As part of our ongoing commitment to remember Anastasia, the College continues to present the Anastasia De Sousa Memorial Award each year at graduation, celebrating those who embody the spirit of resilience and kindness she exemplified.
Dzʿ Professional Theatre, Events

The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong is on Sept. 18-21

A group of actors try to perform their opening night of a murder mystery, but everything (of course) goes wrong. Set pieces fall, doors get stuck, actors say their lines too early, and technical difficulties abound, escalating in complete chaos. The One-Act Play that Goes Wrong is a hilarious take on theatre, showcasing the resilience and determination of actors who carry on despite everything falling apart. Winner of Best New Comedy at the 2015 Laurence Olivier Awards, this play is sure to delight. Directed by Jonathan Monro and performed by the second-year students of the Professional Theatre Program at Dzʿ.

Performances are every night at 7:30 PM from Wednesday, Sept. 18 through Saturday, Sept. 21 at the Dzʿ Theatre, 2000 Atwater Avenue.

Visit the link to reserve a free ticket.

Campus Life, Decolonization, Events

Indigenous Perspectives: Christopher Columbus and the Doctrine of Discovery

Watch a short video and share a discussion led by OAD's Tiio Hemlock on the true history, impact and legacy of Columbus and learn why native people do not celebrate Columbus Day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
7C.5 (Rose Lounge)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Start Time: 12:00 PM End Time: 1:30 PM
Colab 3F.43

Dzʿ Research

Research at Dzʿ

Picture this: a sterile laboratory littered with microscopes and ancient crumbling tomes. A coterie of distinguished, esteemed individuals garbed in patched tweed-jackets and white lab coats huddled close together, their faces scrunched in deep consternation as one points to a board riddled with incomprehensible equations, indecipherable diagrams, and indeterminable stoicism.

This is research, right?


Research is not obscure alchemical formulae and baneful bubbling beakers, nor is it reserved for the elites who conduct their pursuits in isolating silos. Research is about asking difficult questions, recognising a problem, and collaboratively working with the community to develop innovating, creative, and sustainable solutions.

Visit the link to read the complete text by Ildiko Glaser-Hille of the Research Office at Dzʿ.

Read More - Research at Dzʿ

Campus Life, Sustainability, Well-being for all

It’s Butterfly Season at Dzʿ!

In offices and learning spaces across the campus, homes of employees and schools connected to the Dzʿ community, Painted Lady butterflies are emerging this week creating a sense of wonder and connection to Nature and strengthening the community through sharing this special experience.

After a year hiatus, Dzʿ’s Office of Sustainability was delighted to distribute 425 Painted Lady caterpillars. Another 325 moved into the new Butterfly Nursery built by Industrial Design students and faculty in the rooftop garden.

This photo was taken by Natalie Trepanier of Student Services, who released her butterfly on Sept. 11 in the Peace Garden. If you fostered/are fostering butterflies, please share your photos and stories with and

Learning opportunities, Professional Development, Teaching & learning

New course on hybrid teaching and learning

We are excited to introduce a new professional development course on hybrid teaching and learning. Through an ECQ grant, Dzʿ faculty in partnership with an educational researcher and pedagogical advisory team at the Université de Montréal designed and developed a course on teaching using a blended approach that is based on best practices reported in the literature. This course is now entering its implementation phase, and we are seeking participants interested in enrolling.

Visit the link for all the details, including the info session on Friday, Sept. 13.

Read More - New course on hybrid teaching and learning

Human Resources, Office of Academic Development, Teaching & learning

Enhancing assessments subject of Ped Day keynote Eliana Elkhoury

Assessment is on everyone’s mind, from teacher to student, and all who work to support the mission of student learning.

Join Ped Day’s keynote speaker Eliana Elkhoury on Friday, Oct. 11 at 9 AM for a talk and workshop on enhancing student assessments to better focus on learning and support. This talk will explore the importance of appropriate assessments and introduce alternative and authentic methods in a variety of disciplines.

Eliana will highlight the importance of assessing students appropriately, emphasizing the advantages for alternative and authentic assessment approaches at every competency level. These methods can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student skills, knowledge and attitudes, and also foster a more supportive and engaging learning environment. She will deliver a hands-on workshop after the keynote talk, where you can work on your own assessment with feedback from your colleagues.

Dr. Eliana El Khoury is a recognized leader in the field of alternative assessment, whose work is dedicated to enhancing educational practices through more thoughtful and supportive assessment strategies.She serves as an assistant professor at Athabasca University, where she works closely with experts across different disciplines to improve how students are evaluated with a focuson ensuring quality and fairness in educational assessments, and she actively incorporates new ideas and technologies to achieve this goal.

Get ready for the full program and registration coming out at the end of September.

Campus Life, Events, Sustainability

Coffee & Zero Waste Kitchen Workshops

The Office of Sustainability will host Coffee & Zero Waste Kitchen Workshops on every second Monday, beginning Sept. 16. We will offer free coffee from 10 AM – 12 PM as well as a workshop in Conrod's kitchen. Bring your own mug or cup, we will supply the coffee!

The first workshop hosted by Diana Rice will be: "Teas, Spices & More! The many uses of your indoor or garden herbs!" We will talk about drying herbs and flowers, and all the different things you can do with them to reduce your kitchen and garden waste! Everyone will get to bring home something to dry and use at home after the workshop. To reserve your spot please click on the form:

We will hold seven sessions, Sept. 16, Oct. 14, Oct. 28, Nov. 11, Nov 25, and Dec 9. Should you be interested in hosting one of these workshops, we have two available spots for anyone interested in sharing their knowledge with the community that helps reduce waste and shows how we can individually contribute to climate action!

We look forward to see you there!

-Submitted by Diana Rice

Facilities Management

Emergency procedures reminder

It's a good time to make sure that you are familiar with the College’s emergency procedures for the main campus and for the Forum.

Know what to do in the event of an armed threat, evacuation, fire, power failure, etc.: /facilities-management/emergency-procedures/

There are two handouts that you can print and keep handy:

This information is also located in : look for Emergency Procedures in red under the My Dzʿ Life menu on the left.

Inclusion corner (UDL), Office of Academic Development, Teaching & learning, Well-being for all

Inclusion and wellness retreat Spring 2024

Last June, Dzʿ’s first ever two-day inclusive design intensive and retreat took place at the beautiful Kio Centre in the Laurentians: 21 teachers from a total of 10 different departments across multiple sectors gathered with 11 professionals from four departments supporting student success to explore ways we can adapt our approaches, interactions, and course design to meet a wide range of student needs.

Visit the link for Cathy Roy's highlights of the retreat and a photo gallery.


Read More - Inclusion and wellness retreat Spring 2024

Peace Centre, Sustainability, Well-being for all

332 students and staff fed by Dzʿ Dinin’ in first week

There were already 40 containers dropped off for Dzʿ Dinin’ by 8:30 AM on Sept. 10, the first day of the free lunchtime service for this school year.

One-hundred and ninety-two free vegan meals were distributed at the two lunchtime services on Sept. 10 and 11 and another 140 people enjoyed an Early Bird Breakfast on Sept. 12.

“The DSU and the Office of Sustainability see this as simple measure of what students need to support their academic success.We had roughly 6 or 7 student volunteers who showed up to work hard and feed their peers!” reported Diana Rice of the Office of Sustainability.

“We would like to thank all of the faculty and staff members who helped spread the word to students who need this service. We appreciate you helping us to help our community! Remember, we love all our volunteers, including employees, so feel free to join the love of community and make well-being for yourself and students a part of your day at Dzʿ.”

Dzʿ Dinin’ is every Tuesday and Wednesday and is offered to all students and employees who drop off their reusable container by 11 AM at Conrod’s (2F). Early Bird Breakfast is every Thursday at 10 AM in Conrod’s and breakfast is served on a first-come, first-served basis.

To volunteer, contact Diana Rice, Office of Sustainability.

In the news/in social media

New free resource for practicing French and keeping up with current affairs

La Presse has launched Comprendre this week. It is a new section in the online daily French newspaper that compiles texts on major issues and helps answer common questions.

One of the newspaper's goals is to equip young people with reliable information and to sharpen their critical thinking.

Comprendre is published on Mondays and on Tuesdays, they email a Comprendre newsletter to those who subscribe.

Link to subscribe:

Human Resources

FAQ about Salary equity program

TheSecrétariat du Conseil du trésor (SCT) has created a new FAQ to answer questions related to a about the salary equity program rendered by the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) on September 28, 2023.

The SCT would like all employees of the College to be aware of the (only available in French).

Student Services

AccessAbility Centre is seeking student note-takers

The Student AccessAbility Centre (SAAC) is seeking students to serve as note-takers. This is a great way to get involved, help out classmates, and make a small stipend.

For more details, visit the link.

Read More - AccessAbility Centre is seeking student note-takers


DzʿITE Newsletter # 641

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IST and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin.

In this issue:

  • A List of the Best AI Tools
  • How I Use AI to Catch Cheaters at School
  • I put 7 leading AI image generators to the test with the same prompt — here’s the winner

Submit News

Last Modified: October 1, 2024


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