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Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023

#DzʿProud, Awards Office, Dzʿ Foundation, Homepage news, In the news/in social media, Student Services, Well-being for all

Dzʿ students’ Mahsa Amini Initiative wins Forces Avenir

A student-led project at Dzʿ has won the provincial in the category of Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice. On Sept. 27 during a gala in Quebec City, the award was presented to a group of Dzʿ graduates and students who founded the Mahsa Amini Initiative.

Visit the link below for the homepage news story.

Read More - Dzʿ students’ Mahsa Amini Initiative wins Forces Avenir

#DzʿProud, Homepage news, In the news/in social media

Q & A with Dzʿ semifinalists for the QWF College Writers Award

Out of a record 81 entries at Dzʿ alone, three Dzʿ students were selected as semifinalists for the 2023 . The 2023 award will be announced at the QWF Gala on Nov. 13.

Visit the link to find out who Dzʿ's winners are and to read their writing.

Read More - Q & A with Dzʿ semifinalists for the QWF College Writers Award

#DzʿProud, Homepage news, In the news/in social media

Theatre students win first and second place in playwriting competition

Three Dzʿ Professional Theatre students were finalists in playwriting competition: Marcel Paré, Alina Ichmouratov and Elliot Million-Lovett.

Marcel`s play Cadillac took first place and Alina`s play Egg tied for second place. The plays by finalists were read by professional actors on Sept. 25 at Parc Drolet-Rachel.

Dzʿ`s Communications Office interviewed the three young playwrights. Visit the link below to read transcripts of those interviews.

Read More - Theatre students win first and second place in playwriting competition

Campus Life, Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery

Students interview David B. Stewart whose work is on exhibit at the gallery

David Stewart is a visual artist born in Saskatoon, raised in Port Coquitlam, BC, and based in Montreal. His current exhibition, Cuts from PoCo, is on view at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery from Sept. 7 - Oct. 14. On a recent Tuesday evening, two second-year visual arts students, Katerina Kieran and Lisseth Llorente Ruiz, had the opportunity to sit down with David Stewart to discuss the artist’s life, works and creative process.

Visit the link below to read the interview.

Read More - Students interview David B. Stewart whose work is on exhibit at the gallery

#DzʿProud, Continuing Education and Community Services (CECS), Events

IVGD attracted over 50 people to playtest event

The Independent Video Game Design program hosted a very successful Indie Game Playtesting Night on Sept. 29.

Audrey Vanasse from Continuing Education and Community Services reported that:

  • We had 78 confirmed tickets on Eventbrite, and it felt like easily that many people showed up, with 50+ visually accounted at once during the peak!
  • We had 12 teams presenting games, including:
    • Our Term 4 students, playtesting their current end-of-year project (which is part of their assignment)
    • A team of IVGD graduates from last year who are working on their first commercial games
    • Several teachers including Osama Dorias, Salim Larochelle and Ramy Daghstani showcased the games they are currently developing with their teams

Elaine Gusella, our Independent Video Game Design Program Coordinator, says "we are already getting a lot of interest for the next edition, which we're hoping to hold in November (date TBD). We're really looking forward to hosting more events as often as we can."

Campus Life, Events, Homepage news, Living Campus, Peace Centre, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Peace Week 2023 proposed a world where everyone’s identity and voice can be celebrated

Dzʿ's annual Peace Week has always been a platform for insightful discussions on pressing social issues. In 2023, the theme of the 8th Annual Peace Week was "Exultation: Queer Freedoms & Futures."

This event, which was held Sept. 13-21, celebrated the vibrant history of queerness while exploring the possibilities of a world where freedom of expression, safety, and unconditional love prevail for all gender and sexual identities. The event brought together a diverse group of speakers who shared their thoughts and experiences on the path towards true liberation from oppressive norms.

Visit the link below to read the homepage news story.

Read More - Peace Week 2023 proposed a world where everyone’s identity and voice can be celebrated

#DzʿProud, Academic News, In the news/in social media

New video showcases Social Change and Solidarity (formerly NSS)

North-South Studies is now rebranded as the Social Change and Solidarity profile of the new revision of the Social Science program, which welcomed its first students this fall.

Students considering the social sciences are invited to be part of a small and engaged community while making lifelong friendships, learning and working for social and environmental justice. The Social Change and Solidarity profile provides a meaningful introduction to the social sciences, giving students the theoretical and practical tools to understand and analyze the social, political, economic, and historical contexts of the world around them. The heart of the program is a project and trip to the Global South or a hands-on collaborative local project. 

To celebrate the legacy of 30 years of North-South and look toward the future of the new profile, a video was made. It includes interviews with faculty, graduates and retirees.

Visit the link to see the video.

Read More - New video showcases Social Change and Solidarity (formerly NSS)

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Homepage news, In the news/in social media, Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Sustainable Development Goals artwork by Illustration students showcased by Colleges and Institutes Canada

“The 17 Sustainable Development Goals” illustrated by students in the Illustration program at Dzʿ won the 2023 student art competition of Colleges and Institutes Canada.

“36 illustration students collaborated on this fanzine project along with Sustainable Dzʿ,” said Stéphanie Aubin, co-chair of and instructor in the program. “They had to create an illustration that would be evocative and powerful visually. Their illustration could be based on a personal experience or a researched fact. Each student's approach to their subject was different, which makes the project even more unique.”

Three of the winning students shared their thoughts about the project. Visit the link below to read the three interviews and for a link to view the two fanzines of the SDG art.

Read More - Sustainable Development Goals artwork by Illustration students showcased by Colleges and Institutes Canada

#DzʿProud, Book/article/video recommendation, In the news/in social media

Our Lady of Mile End is Sarah Gilbert’s first book

Writer Sarah Gilbert (Faculty, English) was born in the United States, grew up in Winnipeg and lived in Ottawa before moving to Montreal. For the last three decades, the Mile End neighbourhood has been her home, and she chose it as the place where she would raise her daughter.

“The Mile End is a real muse. It is a very dense neighbourhood with a lot going on,” she said in an interview with Dzʿ’s Communications Office. “I had acquired tons of content without noticing it.”

is a collection of short stories about “gentrification and displacement in a once affordable area that is feeling the squeeze of social and cultural transformation.

“The overlapping lives—of girls and women, tenants and landlords, neighbours and strangers, the old generation and the next—chart the tensions and affections among people living in a community that has turned into a destination,” reads the description on the website of Anvil Press.

Sarah wanted her daughter to grow up somewhere where she knows the neighbours. When she had her baby, she had “a free pass to talk to anyone,” she said.

The fictional book project grew out of a blog Sarah created called in 2008. That project was journalistic and through it, Sarah documented the endings of neighbourhood businesses and characters and some of the new beginnings of the neighbourhood in transition.

The Mile End is still a real community, Sarah says, citing density and walkability as important factors in fostering community. Neighbourhood gathering spots, like the cafés, the library, the local grocery store and the school, are also important.

“I watch the neighbourhood by walking around,” she said. “There are neighbours who know each other and send their kids to the same school up the street and there are a lot of artists. There are people you see regularly who you may not know but they are part of your personal landscape.”

#DzʿProud, In the news/in social media

Dzʿ technician’s cargo ship photos exhibited at photography festival in China

Professional photographer and Dzʿ Photography Technician Chris Boyne had two extraordinary experiences on cargo ships in 2015 and 2018. Photographs he took on those ships were part of the exhibition ‘Image, Document, Memory: Photographs from Canada,’ curated by Don Snyder, at the Pingyao International Photography Festival in China in September.

Visit the link for Chris’ recollection of these cargo ship experiences and a link to his work.

Read More - Dzʿ technician’s cargo ship photos exhibited at photography festival in China

#DzʿProud, Academic News, In the news/in social media, Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Night observation session pushes species count to 810

In our goal to get to 1,000 species identified on Dzʿ's downtown campus in 1,000 days, our total is now at 810 species! Over the last two weeks, there were:

  • 119 observations
  • 22 new species
  • 13 new observers

"A large contributing factor was the Nighttime Biodiversity Observation we did last week," said Brian Mader, project lead and a Biology teacher. "Two teachers, one staff member, five students and one alumnus stayed for sunset and beyond with insect traps to observe biodiversity at night.

"Students were able to observe multiple bats and a skunk! Although the photos were not great for these organisms, students were able to get some nice shots of a House Centipede (Cassiana Silva-Young, Enriched Pure & Applied Science) and a Narrow-winged Tree Cricket (Jacob Davies, Environmental Science).

Faculty Hub

Over at the Faculty Hub

Intercollegiate Ped Days (IPD) is inviting for its fourth annual virtual event January 9-10, 2024. This year’s theme is:  Shifting Landscapes: Shared Practices in a Changing CEGEP System.

IPD is a platform for teachers and professional staff to explore ways to promote sharing between college educators, foster intercollegiate professional development, and strengthen collaboration between the English-language CEGEPs.

For more details, please consult the

𳾾Ի: The Dzʿ Ped Day is October 13!


DzʿITE Newsletter # 607

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IST and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin.

In this issue:

  • How Generative AI Tutors Can Improve Online Education. Khan Academy Shows The Way
  • How to use the new Copilot AI in Windows 11
  • Metaverse: What happened to Mark Zuckerberg's next big thing?

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Dzʿ Events

  • Oct 14

Last Modified: October 11, 2023


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