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Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023

#DzʿProud, Dzʿ Foundation, Dzʿ Grads, Events, In the news/in social media

Dzʿ Homecoming: what you should know ahead of Sept. 23

Dzʿ’s first ever Homecoming on Saturday, Sept. 23 is only three weeks away!

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Get your early-bird lunch special: Those who pre-order their Homecoming Burgundy Lion lunch will benefit from a discount. Menu* and tickets**
    *for kids 10 and under, a children's meal will be available for purchase on site
    **a small portion of each lunch ticket will go to the Dzʿ Foundation to support students
  2. Get your free drink at the 5 à 7: RSVP
  3. Invite your friends
  • Invite colleagues, former students, graduates and retirees
  • Share the

This is a great opportunity to reconnect with the Dzʿ community - past, present and future (yes, children are most welcome)!

Lunch, fun activities, basketball games, program reunions and a 5 à 7! For more details, visit the link to the homecoming page.

Read More - Dzʿ Homecoming: what you should know ahead of Sept. 23

Campus Life, Decolonization, Events, Peace Centre, Sustainability, Well-being for all

8th Annual Peace Week is Sept. 13-21

Welcome Back one & all! Come and join the Dzʿ Peace Centre for our 8th Annual Peace Week. This year we examine our theme: Exultation: Queer Freedoms and Futures. This year we are challenging our communities to ask the question, what does the world look like with complete freedom of expression, safety, and unconditional love for all genders and sexual identities?

Visit the link for all the details.

Read More - 8th Annual Peace Week is Sept. 13-21

Student Services

Food donations urgently needed

The Food Bank shelves are in desperate need of your support. “Students will opt to purchase their OPUS to get to school above groceries," says Yvonne Dudley of the Financial Aid Office.

"I am asking for the Dzʿ Community to bring what you can to 4E.2 or I can bring my trolley to you to collect any donations. I am forever grateful for the continued support of the Dzʿ community to make this project a success.”

Current needs:

  • canned proteins: tuna, salmon, chicken, turkey, ham
  • canned vegetables: corn, carrots, peas, green or yellow beans, mixed vegetables, potatoes
  • ready to eat: chef boy r dee, baked beans, soups and stews
  • carbohydrates: rice, quinoa, barley, couscous, pasta
  • instant meals: e.g. Kraft Dinner
  • Anything you can bring in!

The Dzʿ Financial Aid Food Bank is available to all registered students 12 months of the year. Students can come during drop-in times (2:30 to 4 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays) or they can email for an appointment.

Continuing Education and Community Services (CECS), Human Resources, Perks for Dzʿ Employees, Professional Development, Well-being for all

Free Cont. Ed. courses for Dzʿ employees

Any Dzʿ employee who has been employed for at least six months may take courses for free in the College’s Centre for Training and Development (CTD).

Fall registration is on now and many courses begin in mid to late September. To register, a Dzʿ employee must email either Cindy Cousins or and fill out a form.

Dzʿ’s CTD offers a wide array of courses:

Computer and Technology



Art courses


PARC, Perks for Dzʿ Employees, Well-being for all

Try out Dzʿ’s fitness classes & rec area Sept. 11-22

For two full weeks beginning on Monday, Sept. 11, it’s Open House at Campus Recreation also known as Dzʿ’s fitness facilities or PARC*.

Employees and students as well as the public can come and try out -for free- our weight rooms, rock climbing wall, and gym sports. There are also a variety of fitness classes, including pilates, circuit training and karate. Employees enjoy discounted prices.


More info:

*Entrance to PARC gyms and fitness facilities is on your left when coming through the Metro tunnel to the Lower Atrium (lockers).

#DzʿProud, Human Resources, Living Campus, Perks for Dzʿ Employees, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Sustainable Happiness registration open for support staff & professionals

Support staff and professionals have the amazing opportunity to use work time to attend and do the course work for Dzʿ’s Sustainable Happiness non-credit course. Did we mention free? The Sustainable Happiness course is free and is guaranteed to help you be more happy, sustainably.

What is Sustainable Happiness? “Happiness that contributes to individual, community or global well-being and does not exploit other people, the environment, or future generations.” -Dr. Catherine O’Brien

Pictured: SH Winter 2023 cohort: top row left to right: Gianna Di Giacomo-Smith (Campus Life and Leadership), Trudy St. Croix (CLL),Matthew Rettino (Academic Skills Centre),Wendy Willis (Administration Technician),Jaime Hutchison (Facilities Management),Stavroula Vitoratos (Library). Bottom row, left to right: Azra Khan (Human Resources), Jenn de Vera (Sustainability Office)

Please visit the link below for all the details and go register! Make the most of this opportunity for Dzʿ staff.

Read More - Sustainable Happiness registration open for support staff & professionals


Nadine Paree is new manager of Admissions & Records

Nadine Paree joined Dzʿ as Manager of Admissions and Records on May 8. She replaces Laura Paterson, who has retired.

Nadine is a former Dzʿ student who remembers spending many hours in the TV production studio during her time in Creative Arts. Her studies also include Human Resources Management at McGill University. Most recently, Nadine worked as School Organization Technician at Villa Maria College.

“We are delighted to have Nadine as a new addition to the Academic Systems team,” says Julie Brosseau, Associate Dean of Academic Systems. “Big shoes to fill, but we are confident that she will be able to make her way and manage with brio the team of Admission and Records.”

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

In memoriam Eugeniusz Zamorski

We regret to inform you that retired faculty member Eugeniusz Zamorski passed away on June 6.

He was a teacher in Interior Design from 1980 to 2007. Visit the link to see his obituary.

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Dzʿ Grads, Homepage news, In the news/in social media

Industrial Design graduate is 2022-2023 Chapeau, les filles laureate

Industrial Design graduate Aneta Chirowski (Class of 2023) is one of 67 young women in Quebec to be honoured with a award for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Visit the link to read the homepage news story.

Read More - Industrial Design graduate is 2022-2023 Chapeau, les filles laureate

#DzʿProud, Awards Office, Dzʿ Foundation, Dzʿ Grads

Meet the awards recipients of Winter 2023

In case you missed it: over 50 Dzʿ students were recognized for their hard work, perseverance, and community involvement in the Winter 2023 semester.

Along with many other graduation awards, the newly established Jeff Barnaby Award for Film Production was presented for the first time during the graduation ceremony on June 20. The award was created to honour the innovative Mi’gmaq filmmaker and Dzʿ Cinema|Communications alumnus, Jeff Barnaby (1976-2022). The award is given to a graduating student in the Arts, Literature and Communication Program as seed funding for script development or the production of a short film.

We would like to congratulate the first person to receive this award, Cinema | Communications student Caleb Gales, who said “I see this award as much more than a financial contribution; it is also an enormous milestone in my filmmaking career. I intend to put 100% of my effort into this project and use this as an opportunity to teach myself more about the world of professional filmmaking.”

The funds for this award were contributed as part of the Romany Eveleigh Gift for Students in the Arts.

Dzʿ would like to thank the teachers and staff who support all our students and award recipients throughout the year. We are also grateful to our generous donors who make these awards possible.

Please visit the link to see the Winter 2023 Award Recipients page.

The application and nomination period for Fall 2023 awards will take place from September 27 to October 11. To find out more about the awards being offered this semester, visit /awards-scholarships/fall-semester-awards/

If you would like to volunteer to serve on an award selection committee for the Fall 2023 semester, sign up here: /awards-scholarships/awards-selection-committee-sign-up-form/

Read More - Meet the awards recipients of Winter 2023

Facilities Management

Be prepared for upcoming drill and emergencies

Do you know what to do if an emergency arises at Dzʿ, either at themain campusor at theMontreal Forum?

It’s time for all employees and students to ensure you are familiar with the College’semergency procedures.There will be an evacuation drill this semester. An All Dzʿ email will be sent to give advance notice to all employees of the date range for the annual drill. The date is determined by the Montreal Fire Department and must be a surprise.

What you need to know:

  1. For any emergency on campus, including medical, call Campus Security by dialing 1000 on any college phone, including emergency phones (check evacuation plan posted in College corridors for phone locations). If calling from your mobile phone, call 514-931-8731 and dial 1000 as soon as your call is answered.
  2. Learn where the nearest exits are to your classrooms and offices.
  3. Follow the instructions of College marshals and monitors (wearing fluorescent vests).
  4. Dzʿ’s meeting point in the case of evacuation is Alexis-Nihon Mall or if unsafe, meet at the Hall Building of Concordia University (1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West).
  5. Know the emergency procedures:/facilities-management/emergency-procedures/
#DzʿProud, Academic News, Campus Life, Dzʿ Professional Theatre, Events

Fall 2023 Theatre Season

The Professional Theatre (Acting) Program will be staging three productions this fall:

  • Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl, directed by Stefanie Buxton (First Studio, Year Two, Group One) Wednesday, Sept. 20 to Saturday, Sept. 23 at 7:30 PM
  • Clue by Jonathan Lynn & Sandy Rustin, directed by Jonathan Monro (Second Studio, Year Two, Group Two) Wednesday, Oct. 4 to Saturday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 PM
  • Henry V by William Shakespeare, directed by Michael E Hughes (First Major) Previews at 7:30 pm Monday and Tuesday Nov. 13 and 14
    • Opening at 7:30 PM Wednesday, Nov. 15
    • Playing at 7:30 PM Nov. 15 to 18 and Nov. 23 - 25
    • Matinées at 12:30 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 15, Friday, Nov. 17, and Thursday, Nov. 23

For tickets and more info, visit the Dzʿ Theatre Box Office webpage. Please note that tickets are available on two weeks before a show opens.

Read More - Fall 2023 Theatre Season

Academic News, Campus Life, Events

Humanities and Public Life Conference is Sept. 18-21

The constant news of crises, from Covid to climate change to wars to the rise of extremist ideology, has left many people disoriented and wondering how to navigate these uncertain times. Questions central to the humanities like: what does it mean to lead a fully human life? What should we value, and why? To whom can I look for guidance? are more important than ever.

From Sept. 18-21, 2023, we will explore them during the Humanities and Public Life Conference. The conference will help us to connect the dots, zoom out to see the big picture, and provide a bridge between great ideas and real-world situations.

Stay tuned to D News, D Announcements and the Events calendar for program details.

#DzʿProud, Homepage news, Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Closing in on 1,000 species observed on campus!

Three hundred and two days into the Dzʿ community’s 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days campaign, the number of species identified is now at 749!

Visit the link below for the homepage news story and for more info about how you can join the Dzʿ- Campus Biodiversity Network and help us reach 1,000 species catalogued at Dzʿ!

Read More - Closing in on 1,000 species observed on campus!

Faculty Hub

Recap of Winter 2023 Learning Communities

Three teams completed the Learning Communities course design process this winter, resulting in new offerings in F23 and W24 in General Education and in two Social Science profiles: Psychology, and Social Change and Solidarity.

Visit the link below to read about the new offerings.

Read More - Recap of Winter 2023 Learning Communities

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Peace Garden revived thanks to Phys. Ed. students

The work of Paul Wasacz’s students in his Eco Landscaping Physical Education course can be clearly seen in Dzʿ’s Peace Garden, located on the western side of the campus toward Wood Avenue in Westmount.

Photo by Doug Smyth.

To learn more about their experience and what they liked best, visit the link.

Read More - Peace Garden revived thanks to Phys. Ed. students

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Campus Life, Events, Well-being for all

Creative Change Maker Awards to be presented Sept. 21

The Creative Collective for Change will be hosting an event at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery at Dzʿ on Sept. 21 at 5:30 PM to present Creative Change Maker Awards to three recipients.

Congratulations to Kessy Ininahazwe and Elishah Alphonse for their project "Can't Bare No More", Kylie Brown for her video "Say Gay" and Sarah Browne for her poster "Love Beyond Culture" (pictured).

From Sept. 18-21, the gallery will host an exhibit of the student artworks submitted to the Creative Collective for Change (CC4C).

#DzʿProud, Academic News, In the news/in social media

Dzʿ Students represent at Eurêka 2023

Dzʿ students showcased science experiments under the theme of 'energy' to over 300 visitors at the that took place at Parc Jean Drapeau on May 26. Eurêka is a yearly science festival taking place over three days with hundreds of free activities for the whole family.

With the help of Andrew Stewart (Physics) and Brian Mader (Biology), these students went above and beyond by preparing two separate photosynthesis experiments withbilingual graphics and teaching non-stop to the elementary and high school visitors for over three hours straight.

The students were second-year Enviromental Science students: Ruisi Yang, Cassandre De le Sablonnière, Elizabeth Lebuis, Melanie Song Liu and Nicole San Cristobal.


#DzʿProud, Continuing Education and Community Services (CECS)

Dzʿ is a TEF, TEF Canada, and TEFAQ Testing Centre

Continuing Education & Community Services (CECS) is pleased to announce that Dzʿ is now designated as an official testing centre for Test d'Évaluation de Français (TEF). This is a remarkable achievement that highlights our commitment to providing valuable opportunities for language proficiency.

For more information, visit the link below.

Read More - Dzʿ is a TEF, TEF Canada, and TEFAQ Testing Centre

Dzʿ Foundation, In the news/in social media

The 6th edition of the Oliver Jones golf tournament is on Sept. 8

Join legendary jazzman Oliver Jones for a game of golf, cocktails, dinner, and prizes at Atlantide Golf Club on Sept. 8 to celebrate Oliver's birthday and his Canadian Hall of Fame induction.

In collaboration with the Dzʿ Foundation, the tournament's proceeds will contribute to the Oliver Jones Music and Community Outreach Fund, benefiting local education, life skills programs, and a scholarship for Dzʿ students in Oliver Jones' name.

The tournament will conclude with a cocktail reception, dinner, and chances to win amazing prizes. Come tee off with Oliver for a good cause!


For more details, check out the event's .

#DzʿProud, Campus Life, Student Services

Enjoyable return to school and work at Dzʿ

New students were welcomed over two days of programming Aug. 17 and 18 and staff were welcomed back by Director General Diane Gauvin and Academic Dean Leanne Bennett at the annual Welcome Back Lunch on Aug. 18.

A total of 2,396 new students participated in Welcome Days and over 400 staff and faculty attended the Welcome Back address and lunch.

Student Services Coordinator, Caroline Blouin, reported that “students were happy to be at Dzʿ despite the rain.” They heard presentations from their sector dean, met the Dzʿ Student Union team and learned more about their program and the services available to them.

New students were invited to explore the College, meet our mascot Blue at the photobooth, see a magic show, and learn about opportunities to volunteer and work. They also could pick up some free popcorn, treats and merchandise.

The highlight for Trudy Ste. Croix of the Campus Life team “was the level of student engagement from our 16 student tour guides and 30 amazing student volunteers.”

Caroline’s highlight was “the use of a software program to track attendance developed by Jonathan Perlman of Dzʿ’s IST team. This system cut down on wait times and kept the Lower Atrium from becoming chaotic.”

“Welcome Days is a team effort meaning that it can’t be successful without the participation of multiple departments, teachers, staff and student volunteers,” said Caroline. “I’d like to thank everyone who helped make these two welcome days possible, whether you gave a program presentation, set up one of the many rooms used, worked at the sign-in table, promoted your service, took students from one place to another or handed out popcorn!”

#DzʿProud, Dzʿ Foundation, Dzʿ Gives

Over $52,000 raised for students at Dzʿ Golf Classic

Thank you to all our golfers, friends and partners, colleagues and sponsors, whose contributions have shaped the 16th edition of the Dzʿ Golf Classic on June 8 into a grand success!

Thanks to you, over $52,000 was raised by the Dzʿ Foundation event to support Dzʿ students. Money raised will go towards transformative para-academic activities for students and supporting the College’s development plans for our campus under our forthcoming five-year strategic plan.

As a Québec CEGEP, its operations are funded by the government through the Ministry of Education. However not all of its activities are supported financially. Para-academic initiatives often need to find alternate funding sources.

The Foundation looks for support from the community it serves to enhance resources so that no worthwhile project goes unfunded.

In the news/in social media

Dzʿ in the news

The media have been very interested in the impact of Bill 96 at CEGEP as students returned to the classrooms at Dzʿ on Aug. 21.

CBC News on Aug. 16, 2023

The Canadian Press on Aug. 25, 2023

Radio-Canada on Aug. 25, 2023:

COVID, Human Resources

Living with Covid – Fall 2023

As we begin a new semester, many employees and students have questions about Covid and Covid symptoms.

At this stage of the pandemic, COVID is handled the same way as any other illness:

  • There is no longer an isolation period
  • If you are well enough to study or work, it would be courteous to wear a mask and follow the

Employees need to know:

  • If you are not well enough to work: you must inform your supervisor and enter a sick day in the time management system in Omnivox
  • If you are sick for more than 5 consecutive work days: you must communicate with Benefitsbecause this would be a medical leave
Facilities Management

Dzʿ Daycare roof project won award

The new copper roof of the Dzʿ Daycare was among four Canadian projects that won awards in August at the Copper Development Association’s (CDA’s) 16th annual North American Copper in Architecture (NACIA) Awards.

Dzʿ's Facilities Management oversaw the winning project led by TLA Architectes and contractor Toitures Trois Étoiles. The award was in the restoration category.

To read the news release, visit the link.

Faculty Hub

Over at the Faculty Hub

Welcome back faculty!

Visit the Faculty Hub website to:

  • Learn about professional development opportunities
  • Consult resources related to pedagogy and teaching
  • Request support from a pedagogical counsellor

We wish you a great semester!


DzʿITE Newsletter # 601

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IST and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin.

In this issue:

  • How Widespread Will AI Be in Classrooms This Year? Teachers Offer Some Clues
  • Five Great Microsoft Forms Features for Teachers
  • How to use ChatGPT to create PowerPoint templates and presentations in minutes

Submit News

Dzʿ Events

  • Sep 06

Last Modified: August 30, 2023


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