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Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021

Campus Life, Homepage news, Student Services, Well-being for all

Reactivating student life at Dzʿ

Dzʿ students are very enthusiastic about participating in campus life after having gone without for the past three semesters, according to the Campus Life and Leadership team (CLL) and the Dzʿ Student Union (DSU).

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Photo credit: Michelle Lee (CLL)

Read More - Reactivating student life at Dzʿ

#DzʿProud, Campus Life, Dzʿ Blues, Homepage news, Student Services

Dzʿ Blues update

Student athletes have been enjoying a full fall athletics season at Dzʿ.

“Each additional day that we can play sports is a good thing,” said Sébastien Rivest, the Manager of Athletics at Dzʿ. “The students are very excited to be back and so are the coaches.”

Click Read More for the homepage news story, which includes the incredible results of a brand new sport at Dzʿ.

Read More - Dzʿ Blues update

Academic News, Dzʿ Research, Faculty Hub

News from the Research Office

Dzʿ’s Research community continues to develop and contribute to the research landscape. Our Researchers are busy exploring creative and innovative ways in creating new knowledges and approaches, and the Research Office is equally busy offering support, developing plans, and clarifying protocols.

Click Read More for an update from Dzʿ's Research Office.

Read More - News from the Research Office

Academic News, Faculty Hub, Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Learning at the Living Campus

Last Thursday, first-year Environmental Science students in Brian Mader's General Biology I class were given the task of comparing the biodiversity of bacteria on two different surfaces. Students decided to head to the rooftop to compare the potential bacteria found in our two rooftop ponds. They compared soil samples with others on campus as well as sampled the surface of leaves. Results will be analyzed in a few weeks.

This is an example of learning outside the classroom on our Living Campus. If you would like to share your own experiences or those of your students, please write to

Photo credit: Brian Mader (Coordinator, Environmental Science) 

From the Director General, In the news/in social media

Bill 96: statements from anglo colleges and students of Quebec

Last Tuesday, Dzʿ’s Director General Diane Gauvin, along with John Halpin of John Abbott College and John McMahon of Vanier College, represented the English College Steering Committee at the hearings on Bill 96. The group consists of Champlain Regional College, Dzʿ, Heritage College, John Abbott College, Marianopolis College, and Vanier College.

To read the news release, which contains a link to the brief in French and English: /news/uncategorized/proposed-bill-96-has-serious-repercussions-for-quebec-students/

The Coalition of Anglophone Student Associations of Quebec, which includes the Dzʿ Student Union, also released a statement last week on Bill 96.

Their statement can be found here:

Campus Life, Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery

Anahita Norouzi: Other Landscapes opens Oct. 14

Other Landscapes is a new exhibit at the Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery of Dzʿ (just off the Upper Atrium cafeteria on the 2nd floor). Open from Oct. 14- Nov. 25, it presents several multimedia works from Montreal-based Iranian artist Anahita Norouzi. It stems from her long-term research interest in the cross sections of botany and colonial politics, experiences of immigration and displacement, as well as issues of identity and memory.

Taking the form of a multimedia installation, the project results from a collaboration between the artist and eight refugees from the Middle East and Africa.

Click Read More for the exhibition web page.

Read More - Anahita Norouzi: Other Landscapes opens Oct. 14

Academic News, Faculty Hub

New partnership with AI Launch Lab

is thrilled to announce a new partnership with . Dzʿ students have a chance to learn AI through this partnership.

AI Launch Lab organized a series of workshops where college students receive hands-on training and mentorship in AI topics. They are working on projects ranging from robotics to natural language processing and computer vision, to sustainability and development, and more.

DzʿAI received applications from 65 Dzʿ students. The first cohort began on Sept. 25.

There will be other opportunities for Dzʿ students in Winter and Summer 2022.

One of the goals is to explore ways of connecting this student enrichment experience with program curriculum across disciplines as the partnership evolves.

Click Read More for a glimpse into the Fall 2021 program.

Read More - New partnership with AI Launch Lab

Faculty Hub, Human Resources, Learning opportunities, Professional Development

Ped Day is this Friday, Oct. 15

You can still register for Dzʿ's Ped Day 2021, happening online this Friday, Oct. 15. Attendance prizes will be given to lucky participants at every session.

The opening plenary session is at 9 a.m. with Saul Carliner who will speak about Teaching in Turbulent Times. There is a full line-up for the day with something to interest every faculty member and professional. Of particular note is a session at 10:30 a.m. called Beyond Orange Shirt Day, which will be led by Charlie O'Connor and Laura Shea.

Save the date for Intercollegiate Ped Days: Jan. 12- 14, 2022

Click Read More to to to the Ped Day page, which features a schedule, more info and links to register.

Read More - Ped Day is this Friday, Oct. 15

Living Campus, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Please don’t feed Dzʿ’s wildlife

During the tele-teaching and tele-working period, little human activity at the College meant wildlife reclaimed our landscape.

Foxes, groundhogs, raccoons and a host of birds have been visiting. Now that we have returned, it is great to see staff and students enjoying Nature. Several well-intentioned people, both staff and Dzʿ neighbours, have been asked to stop feeding the birds because of unintentional consequences we would like to share with you:

  • Feeding bread, muffins or other baked goods fills birds’ stomachs, but has little nutritional value and can lead to health problems for the bird. Young birds especially are affected.
  • Gulls and squirrels eat most foods given by humans and then boldly take food from people sitting at tables outside when they can’t find any elsewhere. Squirrels enter backpacks for food and gulls swoop down and take open food from the tables.
  • Feeding animals diminishes their foraging skills and can lead to larger litters of babies
  • Wild animals can lose their natural fear of humans and become a nuisance or dangerous to humans
  • Rats and mice come to eat leftover food at night. We do not want to attract these animals to the landscape. The squirrel population on campus is also high and they do significant damage to the gardens and they even chew on rubber or plastic on cars in the parking areas! We do not want to attract more!
  • Peanut shells that are left throughout the landscape are a serious hazard to the members of the Dzʿ Community who live with severe allergies and would like to benefit from our outdoor spaces.
  • Feeding wild animals is illegal in Westmount and offenders can receive a first fine of $50 and subsequent fines of $100
Communications Office, Events

Open House 2021

Open House 2021 is already underway!

Prospective students and their parents can check out the Open House microsite, explore 27 pre-university and technical programs and watch the related videos about the most frequently asked questions.

The key date for Open House is Sunday, Oct. 24: a How to Apply Webinar on Zoom will be offered at 11 a.m. and at 12:15 p.m. and the Chat sessions for programs and profiles will be open from 2 to 5 p.m., allowing students to ask their questions to faculty members and academic advisors.

Living Campus tours will be available by appointment on:

Wednesday, Oct. 27:  4-7 p.m.
Thursday, Oct. 28:  4-7 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 30: 1-4 p.m.

Click Read More to go to Dzʿ's Open House 2021 microsite.

Read More - Open House 2021

Sustainability, Well-being for all

Trees will be planted based on your survey results

How do you get to the campus and a few other questions are part of a short transportation survey in .  All employees and students are asked to complete it before it closes on Sunday, Oct. 17.

Your anonymous survey results will enable the College to figure the approximate distance traveled and the corresponding emissions.

In 2018, the College pledged to be carbon neutral forever. To honour this pledge, each year the College offsets our collective CO2(e) emissions 

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

Tom Fox, retired Math teacher, has passed away

Tom Fox, an award-winning Dzʿ Math teacher who personified the title Renaissance man has passed away at the age of 73. He will be remembered for his wry humour, his love of math, music and family.

A short excerpt from his obituary captures the essence of Tom’s passion for teaching: “Teaching was an opportunity to make people aware of the beauty of Mathematics and of the importance of that beauty. Teaching came naturally to him. […] His passion for Mathematics provided the context for the teacher he was to become. Fox was a legendary teacher, he made Mathematics accessible to all, inspiring many a student to choose it as a field of study. In 2009 Fox won the Teaching Excellence Award at Dzʿ, and in 2020 he was awarded the Principal's Prize for Excellence in Teaching in the Course Lecturer Category at McGill University.”

Click Read More for the obituary describing Tom’s storied life.

Human Resources, Policy on Sexual Violence, Student Services, Well-being for all

Deadline extended to Oct. 14 at 12 p.m. to complete survey about Policy on Sexual Violence

A record number of students have participated in the survey about Dzʿ's Policy on Sexual Violence: over 6,000! It is clearly a topic that is important to them.

The deadline has now been extended for employees to Thursday, Oct. 14 at 12 p.m. The hope is that more employees will complete the survey so the Policy Review Subcommittee can have good data to make recommendations to improve the Policy. To date, 509 employees have participated from the following categories:

Faculty: 310
Support Staff: 117
Professionals: 59
Managers: 23

The survey is live in Omnivox and can be found under what's new or click on Surveys and Votes under the My Omnivox Services menu.

Click Read More to go to the Omnivox sign-in page.

Faculty Hub

Over at the Faculty Hub


DzʿITE Newsletter # 528

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IT and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin. In this issue:

  • Surprising results in study comparing online to in-person student engagement
  • Here Is An Excellent Screen Recording Tool for Teachers
  • Boosting Your Teaching with Digital Technology: A Compilation of Free and Intuitive Digital Tools

Submit News

Dzʿ Events

  • Oct 15

Last Modified: October 13, 2021


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