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Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2021

Decolonization, Events, Homepage news, In the news/in social media, Well-being for all

First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is Thursday, Sept. 30

Dzʿ students and employees will experience the first  at Dzʿ on Thursday, Sept. 30.

Click Read More for the homepage news story, which contains a link to all the programming and resources.

Read More - First National Day for Truth and Reconciliation is Thursday, Sept. 30

Academic News

Invitation from our new Academic Dean

As I start my first semester as Academic Dean, I would like to get to know the community better. Starting next week, I invite you to join me in informal meetings to share your thoughts and ideas on academic matters.

The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 6, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. A second meeting will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 13, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Both events will take place in the CoLab, room 3F.43. To avoid exceeding the room capacity, it would be helpful if you could let us know (email that you will be attending. Space permitting, you are also welcome to drop by.

I look forward to the opportunity of speaking with you on Oct. 6 or Oct. 13.

Thank you,

Rob Cassidy
Academic Dean

Human Resources, Policy on Sexual Violence, Student Services

Survey launching today about Policy on Sexual Violence

Today, the College is launching a survey for all employees and all students to share their experience and/or feedback about the Policy on Sexual Violence. The survey will run until Oct. 13.

To complete the survey, log into and look for it under What’s New or click on Surveys and Votes under the My Omnivox Services menu.

Your anonymous responses and all the data from Dzʿ employees and students will be carefully considered by the Policy Review Subcommittee of the Standing Committee for the Policy on Sexual Violence.  The Standing Committee will then make recommendations to ٲɲDz’s Board of Governors at their Nov. 24 meeting.

ٲɲDz’s Policy on Sexual Violence has been in effect since Sept. 1, 2019. Each year, the Standing Committee must review the policy and make revisions if necessary.

New employees and those who have not yet completed their mandatory training can choose to do it in English or in French:

To access the video training:

Go to: 

  • You don’t need to download software or sign up for an account
  • Use your Dzʿ network login
  • Look at the top menu
  • Select: My Courses
  • Select: Sexual Violence – Employees
Faculty Hub, Human Resources, Professional Development

Ped Day is Oct. 15

will open Dzʿ's Ped Day on Friday, Oct. 15 with an opening plenary address entitled Teaching in Turbulent Times.

Even without considering COVID, experts predicted disruption in higher education over the next decade or so resulting from a combination of trends in demographics, technology and society.

When COVID hit, it unearthed some additional considerations. This session first explores these disruptions, then suggests 10 specific ways these disruptions might affect the day-to-day work of CEGEP instructors, including the impacts on the student body and their expectations, the nature of courses being taught, and the nature of teaching.

Click the Read More link to see the full line-up of Ped Day events and to register.

Read More - Ped Day is Oct. 15

From the Director General

In appreciation of our Support Staff

Dzʿ Support Staff play a vital role at the College, helping students, teachers and their colleagues throughout the College to achieve their goals in fulfilling our mission. During this, Support Staff Appreciation Week, we would like to take this opportunity to recognize the contribution of support staff to campus life, and to thank each and every member for their dedication, their professionalism and their commitment to their tasks and for maintaining a high standard of service to the entire community.

Academic News, Book/article/video recommendation, Events, Sustainability

Fair Trade Handbook book launch is Oct. 1 at Dzʿ

Framed within the common goal of advancing trade justice and South-North solidarity, The Fair Trade Handbook presents a broad interpretation of fair trade and a wide-ranging dialogue between different viewpoints.

North-South Studies in partnership with the Sustainability Office is hosting the book launch for The Fair Trade Handbook this Friday, Oct. 1 at 11:30 a.m. during the North-South Seminar in 5B.16.

For more about the book:

If you wish to attend, please email


Highlights from the Sept. 23 Board of Governors meeting

The Board of Governors met on Sept. 23.

Click Read More to read the meeting highlights, which include the new board members and the Annual Management Plan.

Read More - Highlights from the Sept. 23 Board of Governors meeting

Awards Office

Do you know any outstanding students?

Nominations are now open for the David Oliver Award – 1 recipient of $500

​​This award is offered by the Association of Dzʿ Professionals in memory of David Oliver. David was a beloved member of the Student Services staff who died at a young age and is fondly remembered by his colleagues and the students whose lives he touched. The award is given to a second- or third-year student in good academic standing, who shows great promise in leadership, and who best exemplifies a sense of responsibility and integrity within student activities.

Please nominate through . Look for the link called Awards, Bursaries and Scholarships under the Student Services menu.

The nomination deadline is October 12, 2021.

If you would like to participate in one of our Awards Selection Committees, please sign up here:


Communications Office, Events

The new age of Open House, recruitment and program promotion

To say that everything has changed since March 2020 is an understatement. For educational institutions that rely heavily on in-person interaction at every level, recruitment activities have been particularly challenging to showcase the best we have to offer while respecting necessary COVID-19 measures.

For the second year, Dzʿ will host a virtual Open House on Sunday, Oct. 24. The day’s activities will be held in two parts: at 11 a.m. and at 12:15 p.m., there will be webinars on how to apply given by Admissions and Advising. After, prospective students and parents will have a chance to ask questions online. The Q&A will be moderated.

Later in the afternoon, live chat sessions will be open from 2 to 5 p.m. during which prospective students can engage in one-on-one chats with teachers in the specific programs they are interested in. A minimum of two program/profile representatives are encouraged to participate in the chats and are asked to fill out the form under Non-Academic Services on to provide names and information no later than Sept. 30 so that a sufficient number of licenses can be arranged.

Technical programs may choose to augment their program promotion efforts with a number of different online and in-person options that are being presented to them, bearing in mind pandemic precautions and measures that must be respected for “non-essential” activities on campus.

Click Read More to go to the Open House microsite.

Read More - The new age of Open House, recruitment and program promotion

Academic News, Dzʿ Research, Decolonization, Faculty Hub, Well-being for all

Creative Collective for Change is next phase of Resist Violence

Pat Romano (Faculty, Humanities) and Kim Simard (Faculty, Cinema | Communications) are beginning to implement the next phase of their project, which has been shared with administrators and educators across Canada and with faculty and professionals at ٲɲDz’s Ped Days.

Click Read More to find out more about the project and how you can get involved.

Read More - Creative Collective for Change is next phase of Resist Violence

Faculty Hub, Sustainability, Well-being for all

New Environment & Sustainability Certificate

As the 21st century unfolds, Dzʿ students and teachers have a new opportunity to continue channelling their knowledge and abilities into positive action that counters the daunting environmental, economic and social challenges of today.

Click Read More to learn about the new certificate and a link to the Ped Day workshop on Oct. 15 at 1:30 p.m.

Read More - New Environment & Sustainability Certificate

Faculty Hub

Over at the Faculty Hub

  • The Dzʿ Communities of Practice (CoP) are accepting applications for fellows, for the W22 semester. Hear about the CoPs and their application process, from the leads in these videos!
  • Ed Tech Virtual Office Hours: Oct. 8. Join this session from the Faculty Hub website.
  • Registration is now open for Ped Day on Oct. 15: /human-resources/ped-day/
  • Click Read More to drop by the Hub

Read More - Over at the Faculty Hub

Faculty Hub

Faculty Writing Drop-In Jam Sessions, brought to you by WID

Fall 2021 marks a new beginning for Writing in the Disciplines at Dzʿ as Jeff Gandell takes over the Project Lead from Ian MacKenzie. To mark this re-imagining of WID at Dzʿ, there are several exciting events planned for the semester.

One of these is the Faculty Writing Drop-In Jam Sessions. These sessions will be a place to work on your novel or journal article or any creative project alongside a group of your peers. A dedicated spot on your schedule to create, collaborate, and commiserate. A way to start of your weekend with a wee creative burst. Taking place every Friday from Oct. 1 until Nov. 26, from 2 -4 p.m. in 3F.37. If interested in participating, fill out , or just drop by any session!

To read about other WID workshops planned for F21,

Faculty Hub, Learning opportunities, Professional Development, Workshops

CRISPESH is offering a lunch ‘n learn series

CRISPESH has planned a series of lunch 'n learn sessions for the 2021-2022 academic year. The first is on Oct. 6.  CRISPESH  is the College Centre for the Transfer of Technologies (CCTT), which Dzʿ shares with Cégep du Vieux Montréal for the inclusion into society for people living with a disabling situation.

Click Read More to access a pdf file with all the dates and a link to the CRISPESH events page.

Read More - CRISPESH is offering a lunch ‘n learn series

Dzʿ Professional Theatre, Dzʿ Talent, Events

Professional Theatre presents Heavy Weather

Heavy Weather by Lizzie Nunnery is about a young woman who faces the environmental crisis head-on as she embarks on a hero's journey in search of her mother, certainty and hope.

With an ensemble of protestors, onlookers, media, family and allies, Heavy Weather explores the complexity of protest, bias, agenda and manipulation, how to grapple with fear of the future, and self-discovery in how to own one’s power to change and inspire others.

With songs, brilliant humour, heart and truth, Heavy Weather is a timely play resonating with revolution and how, moment to moment, we can reinvent the future.

Playing next Wednesday-Saturday, Oct. 6 -9, at 8 p.m.

Tickets must be booked in advance: email or call the Box Office at 514 931-5000.

*Vaccine passport required

Read More - Professional Theatre presents Heavy Weather

Sustainability, Well-being for all

600 spring bulbs go home with employees

About 1,200 spring bulbs were ordered by the Sustainability Office to boost everyone's mood by encouraging employees to dream about spring gardening. A rainbow of bulbs were offered for sale to employees on Sept. 20-21: hyacinths, daffodils (which the squirrels don't like) and tulips.

About half were sold at cost to employees and will be brightening up home gardens. The remaining bulbs will be planted on campus: some pink bulbs around Anastasia's tree in the Peace Garden, some in the island garden of the first parking lot and some in the garden of the 3C courtyard.

Sandra Gravel (Student Services), pictured, bought her bulbs from the student Sustainabili-team volunteers. Jennifer de Vera (Sustainability Office) recommends planting the bulbs over the next week before the ground gets too hard.

Academic News, Homepage news

Quebec needs our Nursing graduates

Every graduate of ٲɲDz’s Nursing Program can land a job in the field upon graduation. Many employers are actively recruiting the new nurses before they even graduate.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Communications Office, Events

Guidance Counsellor Days are Oct. 8 and Oct. 14

Guidance Counsellor Days will take place on Oct. 8 for the English sector and Oct. 14 for the French sector.

These are important events to share updates about applying to Dzʿ and to promote the spotlight programs to high school guidance counsellors.

This year the spotlight programs are Community, Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT), Laboratory Technology (Analytical Chemistry), and the Languages Profile of the Arts, Literature and Communication Program.

The host for the English session will be Donna Varrica (Communications Office) and the host for the French session will be Julie Brosseau (Registrar's Office).

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

In memoriam Yasmin Hassan

We were saddened to learn of the passing of long-time Humanities secretary Yasmin Hassan on Aug. 20. Yasmin was a Dzʿ employee for 30 years, having retired in 2005. She was pre-deceased by her husband Faruq in 2011, who had been a English teacher at Dzʿ for 30 years between 1974 and 2004 when he retired. Yasmin moved to Toronto some years ago to be closer to her son, CBC personality and comedian Ali Hassan and his family. He said of her passing: “She leaves behind a legacy of kindness, humility, and unrelenting positivity.” Those who knew her at Dzʿ can attest to those qualities as well as to her collaborative spirit with colleagues.

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

In memoriam Pamela Sachs

We regret to inform you that retired English teacher Pamela Sachs passed away on Sept. 11. Click Read More to go to the obituary.

Sustainability, Well-being for all

Repotting your plants and plant help

The Sustainability Office has ordered a big delivery of four-by-five inch pots in a variety of colours so employees can repot the baby plants distributed by College managers in August as a welcome back gesture for all employees. It would be good to repot the plants so they have more space to grow. When the pots arrive, Sustainabili-team volunteers can repot your plant for you or show you how to do it yourself in the Sustainability Office in 4B.

Those of you who have plants that are struggling (brown leaves, etc), please don't throw them out before checking if our resident plant doctors can help revive them.

Contact for plant help or for repotting.

Facilities Management

P1 parking lot partially closed for two months

Work on waterproofing the foundation wall of the C Wing began on Sept. 29 and requires the closure of a portion of the P1 parking lot for approximately two months.

Please keep in mind that we have a very limited number of parking spaces available, and Security will only provide a few extra parking spots. Once the parking capacity is reached, you will have to find alternative parking.

The B1, C2 and E1 doors will be closed for construction purposes but will remain accessible in the event of an emergency. Facilities Management will notify employees when the construction is completed and the exits are reopened.


DzʿITE Newsletter # 526

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IT and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin. In this issue:

  • What Will Online Learning Look Like in 10 Years? Zoom Has Some Ideas
  • How to build the classroom of the future
  • Top 5 Whiteboard Apps for Microsoft Teams Meetings

Submit News

Dzʿ Events

  • Sep 29
  • Sep 29
  • Sep 30
  • Sep 30
  • Oct 05

Last Modified: September 29, 2021


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