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Wednesday, Aug. 18, 2021

Campus Life, Student Services

Welcoming new and returning students

Just shy of 1,600 students came into Dzʿ ahead of the semester for student-led tours.

For the first time, the invitation was extended to returning students as well as new students. Almost all students are like new students since most learning has been online for the last two and a half semesters.

Michelle Lee and Billi-Jo Poirier of Campus Life and Leadership (Student Services) organized the tours and reported that students are excited to start the semester on campus. Ten students, third-year and recent Dzʿ graduates, led the tours.

The students were especially interested in learning about services available to students, tutoring and volunteering.

Communications Office, From the Director General, Milestones, Well-being for all

Welcoming the Dzʿ community back to campus

It was a big week for the Dzʿ community! Many employees returned to campus to work on site for the first time since March 13, 2020.

To mark the occasion and to recognize the efforts of everyone during this extraordinary pandemic period, Dzʿ's managers and directors invited all employees to drop by the Peace Garden on Aug. 18 and 19 to receive honey from Dzʿ's own honey bees and to choose a plant for their office.

Dean of Creative and Applied Arts Andréa Cole (left) was one of the managers on welcome duty Aug. 18.

Homepage news, In the news/in social media

Teachers and students on return to campus

Despite the mixed emotions about a return to campus, many acknowledge that in-person learning is best for students.

Click Read More for some thoughts of teachers and students.

Read More - Teachers and students on return to campus

Campus Life, Homepage news, Perks for Dzʿ Employees, Sustainability, Well-being for all

250 monarch butterfly chrysalises up for adoption

The butterflies are returning to Dzʿ and new employees and employees who have never fostered a butterfly will have priority for adoption.

Click Read More for the link to sign up to become a monarch foster parent.

Read More - 250 monarch butterfly chrysalises up for adoption

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Faculty Hub, Homepage news

Faculty Hub team recognized with 2021 SALTISE Award

recognized Dzʿ’s team of Faculty Hub pedagogical counsellors for their work supporting teachers. The Faculty Hub team received the 2021 SALTISE Best Practices & Pedagogical Innovators Award at the conclusion of the SALTISE conference in June.

Click Read More to go to the homepage news story.

Read More - Faculty Hub team recognized with 2021 SALTISE Award

Academic News, Milestones

Meet the new Academic Dean in 2-minute video

Meet new Academic Dean Robert Cassidy in a two-minute video prepared to welcome new students to Dzʿ.

Robert officially begins at Dzʿ on Monday, Aug. 30.

Click Read More to watch the video.

Academic News, Campus Life, Events, Faculty Hub, Peace Centre, Well-being for all

Blanket Exercise open to all Aug. 19

August 19th, 9 a.m. in 5B.16: Diane Labelle will facilitate a Blanket Exercise, open to all employees of the College. This is one of a series of events that will be hosted at the College in August & September leading up to and including Sept. 30, the National Day of Mourning for Residential School Victims and Survivors.

To join this session please click on the link to register: . For any questions, please contact Diana Rice.

A schedule of events will be released over the coming weeks that will invite the participation of the entire Dzʿ Community. Also, be on the lookout for special displays in the library featuring award winning Indigenous authors & different thematic book resources accessible to the Dzʿ Community.

If you would like to have a Blanket Exercise facilitated in your class by an experienced Indigenous facilitator, please contact Diana Rice.

Academic News, S.P.A.C.E.

Launch of the SPACE: Arts and Sciences Certificate

SPACE is excited to announce the launch of the new The certificate will guide students in making connections between the arts and sciences, including the social sciences, through coursework as well as activities and projects that bridge the classroom and co-curricular activities. Students will explore topics across the arts and sciences and be offered the opportunity both to broaden their education beyond their chosen program and to deepen their knowledge and skills within their field of study.

Students will be able to complete the certificate through individualized pathways and be part of a dynamic learning community with the support of peer and faculty mentorship.

Faculty who are interested in cross-listing one or more of their courses with the SPACE certificate may do so by contacting Ursula Sommerer at

Image: detail of 2021/22 intersections theme poster design by Illustration student Evy Voyatzis.

Academic News, Campus Life, Events, Faculty Hub, Peace Centre

Peace Week begins Sept. 13

The 5th Annual Peace Week will kick off Sept. 13 with an in-person beading workshop with Cory Hunlin, Keynote Speaker Tracy Lindberg and cap off on Sept. 22 with the amazing Dr. Philip Howard's virtual professional development workshop. Full details will be released in the coming weeks through D News and the Peace Centre website. For any questions or inquiries, please contact Diana Rice.

Facilities Management, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Explore your commuting options

Coming back to Dzʿ has many employees reconsidering their transport choices. Facilities Management and the Sustainability Office are teaming up to help you explore your possibilities!

The STM has worked very hard on ensuring that their vehicles are sanitized and public health rules respected.

Why not consider a “,” combining modes of transport to reach your destination? For example, drive to the train, train in from the West Island, a BIXI bike ride from Vendome to Dzʿ.

Did the shutdown gave you a new one exercise habit? Active transport could be your way of saving time and maintaining your form. Bicycling (all or part of the way) might be more feasible than you think. Check out Biking at Dzʿ for ideas and promotions.

To encourage you to try bicycling, on top of a discount for memberships, Dzʿ has a limited supply of free one-month trial BIXI memberships available for those coming back to work.

Get in touch with Richard Dugas of Facilities Management to get a code or for more tips on getting to Dzʿ in COVID times by other means than a car! We will be holding a contest to promote biking to Dzʿ, stay tuned!

Campus Life, Events, Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery

At the Warren G. Flowers Gallery this autumn

Counterpart: Students Photographing Students: Sept. 9-25

Other Landscapes: Anahita Norouzi: Oct. 14-Nov. 25

Professional Photography Graduating Student Exhibition: Dec. 2-10

AEC Photography Program Exhibition: Dec. 15-19

Photo: Anahita Norouzi, Other Landscapes (detail), 2019-20

Academic News, Dzʿ Grads, Human Resources, Milestones

Tommy Diamantakos new Associate Dean of CAA

Tommy Diamantakos (Class of 2002, Cinema | Communications)is happy to be back at Dzʿ.

In July, Tommy began his new role as Associate Dean of Creative and Applied Arts working with Dean Andréa Cole to support teachers and students. We are working hard to ensure everything is in place for a smooth start, he said, and added: “I’m excited to see the students and teachers return to campus.”

Tommy is especially looking forward to the end of year activities and the Vernissage Season.

Prior to coming to Dzʿ, Tommy served as Coordinator of Continuing Education at Vanier College. Other experiences include working at Heritage College as Associate Academic Dean, and teaching English as a second language.

Facilities Management, Human Resources, Milestones

Nas Boucherit new FAMA Coordinator of Renovations

Nasreddine (Nas) Boucherit began his new role as Coordinator of Renovations in Facilities Management in mid-June. He has over two decades of construction, renovation and maintenance experience gained while travelling the world, notably, the Middle East, Europe and North America. He has worked in a variety of fields, including hospitality, real estate and health care. Nas came to the College because of his interest in history and architecture and he is looking forward to all of the upcoming projects.

#DzʿProud, Awards Office, Communications Office, Dzʿ Grads

Meet the awards recipients of Winter 2021

Dzʿ celebrates the award recipients of the Winter 2021 semester with a special website featuring photos and quotes. Thanks to everyone who supported our outstanding students. Click here to go to the Winter 2021 Award Recipients page.

If you would like to do something enjoyable and meaningful this semester, please volunteer to serve on an award selection committee for this Fall 2021 semester. The time commitment is about two to three hours.

Fill out this online form to volunteer for a selection committee: /awards-scholarships/awards-selection-committee-sign-up-form/

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

In memoriam: Chloé Sautter-Léger

We are sad to share the news that the daughter of Sabine Sautter-Léger (Faculty, English), Chloé Sautter-Léger, has passed away suddenly.

Click Read More for the obituary.

#DzʿProud, Academic News, Dzʿ Research, Faculty Hub, Homepage news, In the news/in social media

Dzʿ part of $4.95 M grant to support healthy cities

Dzʿ has been selected along with nine other institutions across Canada to implement a major federal grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

With over 80% of Canadians living in cities, the grant is intended to provide real-world data about what kind of environmental factors such as green space and air quality, or social supports such as housing and services, create better health outcomes, well-being and equity for different populations. The grant is a $4.95 million investment over six years in a research training platform that will guide the development of a new generation of health, social sciences and humanities, engineering and natural sciences researchers, to find ways to make Canadian cities healthier, more livable, and more resilient.

As part of the grant, Dzʿ has the opportunity to provide training to graduate students and act as a link between the lead researchers and community organizations in Montreal.

According to Anna-Liisa Aunio, Coordinator of Dzʿ’s Environmental Studies Profile and the lead for the project on behalf of Dzʿ, this type of applied research is becoming more and more common.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read More - Dzʿ part of $4.95 M grant to support healthy cities

Campus Life, Facilities Management, Well-being for all

More spots to enjoy the outdoor campus coming soon

Picnic tables will be arriving soon to make our outdoor space on campus more inviting this fall.

These tables, as well as other outside items, will only be here for the fall season. Facilities Management is working on a landscaping plan for the campus, and more outdoor furniture will be ordered in the near future.

Employees and students are encouraged to relax and connect with Nature on our lovely heritage grounds, which include the Peace Garden, courtyards, gazebos, and plenty of open space.

Take a walk on your break, eat lunch outside, connect with a colleague in the Peace Garden, and enjoy being back on campus.

#DzʿProud, Academic News

North-South Studies (virtual) field trip report

Gisela Frias (Coordinator of the North-South Studies Profile) is very proud of her students' work this year.

Their traditional field trip was an innovative and virtual trip to Cuba.

Click Read More to go to the field trip report, which features a video.

Read More - North-South Studies (virtual) field trip report

Academic News, Faculty Hub, Perks for Dzʿ Employees

Improve your French for free with Dzʿ’s CLÉO

CLÉO, Dzʿ's French tutoring support centre, has a new language pairing service which is open to Dzʿ employees. Find out more about that and about services available for students in the information provided by CLÉO in the Read More link.

Read More - Improve your French for free with Dzʿ’s CLÉO

Sustainability, Well-being for all

Take a Living Campus tour

Employees and students are welcome to take a tour of our Living Campus. Even returning employees and students will see new things, such as a new pond and more.

Reserve your spot on a weekly tour by contacting

Faculty Hub

Faculty Hub webinars this week!

  • Evaluation and Assessment in Moodle: a detailed view on quizzes and assignments
  • Using the Moodle Gradebook
  • Designing a Moodle Course

New Resource:

This toolkit provides faculty and other curious parties with information about how and why to do community-engaged learning and participatory action research, with an emphasis on social justice, economic dignity, and empowered communities.

Visit the Faculty Hub for more info!

Faculty Hub, Professional Development

New Faculty Orientation Aug. 19

Dzʿ’s New Faculty Orientation is on Thursday, Aug. 19. It is an introduction to college services and procedures and also covers teaching at the college level and provides tips for engaging students.

The orientation includesasynchronous and synchronous components:

  • Welcome from the Deans and Directors of Dzʿ
  • Competency based education and the program approach
  • Academic integrity at Dzʿ
  • Faculty deadlines
  • Faculty roles and responsibilities
  • Classroom scenarios and discussion
  • Professional development opportunities

This event is open to all new Day and Continuing Education faculty.

Please registervia this link: 

Read More - New Faculty Orientation Aug. 19

Promotional, Well-being for all

Affordable rates physiotherapy available at Dzʿ’s DCHC

The Dzʿ Health Clinic (DCHC) is back, and ready to help you get active! After over a year in COVID confinement, have you developed a sore neck or stiff back? The staff at the DCHC are excited to help you reach your health and wellness goals of 2021.

Treatments are administered by Dzʿ’s own Physiotherapy Technology interns under supervision of a licensed Physiotherapist who also handles the initial evaluations. The facilities have been reconfigured to ensure physical distancing, and increased safety protocols have been implemented, such as mask-wearing and full disinfecting between patients.

Are you ready to MOVE. HEAL. LEARN? Call our office to reserve your spot today: 514-931-8731, ext. MOVE (6683).

Campus Life, Facilities Management

Cafeteria re-opening Monday, Aug. 23

The cafeteria in the Upper Atrium will be reopening Monday, Aug. 23.


DzʿITE Newsletter # 520

DzʿITE is your curated news related to IT and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin. In this issue:

  • E-Learning Essentials 2020
  • Virtual Reality in Education: How VR is Used in Immersive Learning
  • MIT built a Google search to spot the most important tech innovations of the future

Submit News

Dzʿ Events

  • Aug 18
  • Aug 19
  • Aug 19
  • Aug 20

Last Modified: August 18, 2021


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