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Tuesday, Sep. 22, 2020

Dzʿ Foundation, Dzʿ Gives, Homepage news, In the news/in social media, Student Services

Coming together for our students

The Dzʿ Student Union (DSU), the Student Services team of Dzʿ and the Dzʿ Foundation have come together to help students in need.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read More - Coming together for our students

Academic News, Communications Office, Events, Homepage news, IST

Dzʿ’s first-ever Virtual Open House

This year Dzʿ is creating a compelling digital experience for prospective students and their parents with our first-ever Virtual Open House taking place Oct. 20-25.

It is a big project that includes the sector deans and assistant deans, program and profile coordinators, the IST team, the Communications Office and others.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read More - Dzʿ’s first-ever Virtual Open House

#DzʿProud, Academic News, In the news/in social media, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Maclean’s magazine features Dzʿ in 2-page spread

Dzʿ, our environmental profiles in Social Science and Science and our Sustainability Office are featured in Maclean's 2021 Canadian Colleges Guidebook, now available in print on news stands across Canada.

A two-page spread on pages 38-39 features a report by Jennifer Lewington entitled Where green is all there is to be that is accompanied by a large photo of our Sustainabili-Team volunteers working in the Theatre Garden this summer.Jennifer spoke to Chris Adam of the Sustainability Office, faculty members Anna-Liisa Aunio and Brian Mader and student John Nathaniel Gertler, who mentioned that he switched to Dzʿ for our environmental offerings.

Drop by the Sustainability Office or Communications Office to consult a copy.

Events, Faculty Hub, Human Resources, Professional Development

Ped Days are Oct. 13-16

Usha James (pictured) of the Critical Thinking Consortium will be back with us for Ped Days this Fall, taking place Oct. 13-16 during the Fall Study Break. This is your chance to see Usha, who impressed the Dzʿ crowd at the last Ped Days in the winter. Usha will speak about and model critical thinking…

Campus Life, Dzʿ Gives, Homepage news, In the news/in social media, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Garden gifts and volunteering spread joy

Despite the pandemic, the Sustainabili-Team volunteers and the Sustainability Office planted vegetable gardens and distributed the produce throughout the summer.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Read More - Garden gifts and volunteering spread joy

Facilities Management, Sustainability, Well-being for all

Dzʿ’s majestic trees to be replaced

Facilities Management hired a forest engineer to evaluate Dzʿ’s  trees and nine showed major structural problems.

For safety reasons, they needed to be cut down. One native silver maple over 100 years old and four non-native Norway maples were cut on the Sherbrooke side of the building while other smaller chestnut trees and maples were cut on the Atwater Street side.

As part of Dzʿ’s climate action and landscape initiatives, a variety of large trees that are native to Quebec will be replacing the cut trees. They will be part of a tree planting effort to maximize shade on paved areas and cool our property during the summer months.

We will welcome these “living machines” that filter air, store carbon, produce oxygen and provide habitat for countless living things this Fall.

Photo credit: Debbie Resurreccion
Debbie says this photo is of a Norway maple, which was over 100 years old. Now, it serves as a nurse log and fosters biodiversity on campus.

Academic News, Campus Life, Events, Peace Centre, Sustainability, Well-being for all, Workshops

Peace Week continues until this Friday

Peace Week continues until Friday, Sept. 25.

Click Read More to go to the schedule.

Read More - Peace Week continues until this Friday

Campus Life, Dzʿ Blues, Student Services

Golf and soccer players back in the game!

Great news! Sports are back! Our Div. 1 men's soccer team played Vanier College Sept. 18 and the Golf team played a college tournament on Sept. 19. Women's Div. 1 soccer plays against Cégep André-Laurendeau this Friday and the co-ed baseball team plays John Abbott twice on Saturday. Many athletes are still only training while they look forward to playing games again.

Click Read More to go to the Dzʿ Blues website for scores and the game schedule.


This year’s theme for SPACE

Every year SPACE (Sciences Participating with Arts and Culture in Education) conceives a theme to stimulate thought, discussion, exploration, and collaboration, both within and beyond the classroom, and across the disciplines. This year’s theme is space s.  In 2020/21, SPACE invites Dzʿ students, faculty, staff, alumni and members of the broader community to explore our…

Academic News, In the news/in social media

Nursing Program in the news

Fiona Hanley of the Nursing Program was interviewed last week about this extraordinary cohort of students learning and training during a pandemic.

Articles appeared in


Awards Office, Dzʿ Foundation

Nominations for David Oliver Award open until Sept. 30

REMINDER: The Awards Office is accepting nominations for the David Oliver Award until Sept. 30. If you know a second or third year student in good academic standing, who shows great promise in leadership, responsibility, and integrity within student activities, please nominate them through your under Student services> Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships.

Academic News, Well-being for all

Zooming from the Peace Garden

Johanna Stosik (Student Services) snapped this beautiful photo of faculty member Melanie Doyle teaching outdoors last week.

"I got to meet some of my students for the first time during a gardening activity in the Peace Garden and taught my course on Zoom from the stump," Melanie said.

"I always love teaching from the Peace Garden, COVID or not! It's such a beautiful, calming and inspirational space; I'll forever be mindful of why we have the Peace Garden and whenever I'm in it, I feel a heightened awareness to be my best self and try to connect with my students on a deeper level."

Academic News

CLÉO can help your students with French

Do your students need help learning French? CLÉO (Centre de langue écrite et orale) has a wide range of services offered online. Not familiar with CLÉO? It’s Dzʿ’s French-language tutoring service. Dzʿ students can come to CLÉO to get help with homework and assignments, reading comprehension, proofreading, grammar, oral expression and presentations. For a quick…

Faculty Hub

Over at the Faculty Hub

    • Faculty Hub Webinars continue to be offered this week. Join a webinar through the Faculty Hub website.
    • Special Peace Week Professional Development Event: Microaggressions in the Classroom: Friday September 24, 4 p.m.-6.30 p.m. Facilitator: Jessica Bleuer, Concordia University. More info about this event is on the Peace Week website
    • Save the Dates! Ped Week will be held October 13-16 The theme of the week is Assessment. More info coming soon!

Click Read More to go to the Faculty Hub.

Read More - Over at the Faculty Hub

Dzʿ Gives, Student Services, Well-being for all

Food Bank is open

The Food Bank is open again for students who need help with groceries. Students may contact Yvonne Dudley by MIO or email to make an appointment.The Food Bank is open by appointment only on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In their appointment request, students need to include their student number and the time they would like to come.

Dzʿ Remembers, Milestones

R.I.P. Norman Bimson

We regret to inform you that Norman Bimson passed away Sept. 1 after a lengthy illness. He taught Humanities at Dzʿ from 1979-2001.

Board, Human Resources

Job posting for new Director General

The search for the new Director General is well underway. Advertisements have already appeared in The Montreal Gazette, La Presse and The Globe and Mail as well as in more education-specific job boards and sites. Click Read More for the full job posting.

Communications Office, From the Director General, In the news/in social media

Investigation is over; dialogue with Theatre community beginning

Dzʿ issued a media statement last Friday, Sept. 18.

Click Read More to go to the full text of the statement.

Read More - Investigation is over; dialogue with Theatre community beginning

Campus Life, Facilities Management

Atwater project update from the STM

An update from the STM about their Atwater project: We are continuing the work initiated in spring 2019 to replace the waterproofing membrane of Atwater station’s underground roof and preparing to install elevators. From September 22, the pedestrian walkway that runs along the worksite will be modified, and the sidewalk in front of the De…


DzʿITE Newsletter # 483

DzʿITE is your weekly curated news related to IT and Education prepared by Dzʿ's Rafael Scapin. In this issue:

• Zoom is failing teachers. Here’s how they would redesign it

• ‘The Social Dilemma’ Review: Unplug and Run

• iPad Who? For Under $200, You Should Buy an Android Tablet

Submit News

Dzʿ Events

  • Sep 23
  • Sep 24

Last Modified: September 22, 2020


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