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Read more about: Virtual Earth Week at Dzʿ

Virtual Earth Week at Dzʿ

April 21st, 2020

Tomorrow (April 22) is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which is usually celebrated in a big way at Dzʿ with a week-long program of events. This year, Earth Week is going virtual at Dzʿ and all over the world: Virtual presentation by yogipreneur Bhaskar Goswami (pictured) on Wednesday, April 22 via ZOOM meeting…

Read more about: Resistance, Resilience and Beyond workshop by Cathy Richardson March 24

Resistance, Resilience and Beyond workshop by Cathy Richardson March 24

March 10th, 2020

Dr. Cathy Richardson will be presenting her 1.5 hour workshop, “Resistance, Resilience and Beyond” March 24at noon as part of the Warren G Flowers Art Gallery’s Resistance and Resilience Series, and sponsored by the Peace Centre and the Faculty Hub. In this presentation, Dr. Cathy Richardson will discuss the concepts of resistance, resilience and responses…

Read more about: Today: Building Students’ Metacognitive Skills

Today: Building Students’ Metacognitive Skills

February 18th, 2020

Building Students’ Metacognitive Skills Much recent pedagogical literature increasingly stresses the merits of reflective writing on the richness of students’ learning experiences. In fact, “Learning to learn” sits at the very top of the Dzʿ Graduate Profile, which states that “Students will become active and engaged participants in their own learning through the effective…

Feb. 20 Webinar Watch Party

February 18th, 2020

You will recognize the teachers featured in a webinar this Thursday, Feb. 20 given by theMinistère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur about implementing the Plan d'action numérique. Come to a watch party this Thursday, Feb. 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 11 the Colab (3F.43) or click on Read More to register for the free webinar and watch on your own.

Read more about: Universal Design of Learning Workshop Feb. 20

Universal Design of Learning Workshop Feb. 20

February 18th, 2020

Engaging All Our Students: The Basics of Universal Design of Learning Today we live in a complex world, and we know that “one size fits all” does not apply to learning. We hear about class ‘averages’ and ‘norms’ and use them to make assumptions about how to teach our courses. Dzʿ’s own Universal Design of…

Read more about: Joel Trudeau leads Maker Education workshop Feb. 21

Joel Trudeau leads Maker Education workshop Feb. 21

February 11th, 2020

Maker education is an innovative framework for developing 21st century competencies. A makerspace is a place for students to be active learners, to problem solve, exercise critical thinking and learn by constructively questioning ways of doing and by being exposed to innovative technologies and practices. The MakerSPACE project is part of an ECQ grant examining…

Upcoming Faculty Hub workshops

January 28th, 2020

The Faculty Hub has two great workshops planned for faculty professional development next month:

  • : Feb. 5
  • : Feb. 18

Julie Lalonde offering training today and tomorrow

January 21st, 2020

It's today and tomorrow! Internationally renowned speaker Julie Laonde will be here to giveI’ve got your back: Bystanders stepping up to prevent sexual violence.

Choose one of three sessions and register in Omnivox under Non-Academic Services: click on the link entitledPrevent Sexual Violence Training.

Read more about: Become certified in Mental Health First Aid

Become certified in Mental Health First Aid

January 14th, 2020

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem, experiencing a mental health crisis, ora worsening of their own mental health. Just like physical first aid is provided until medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate support is found or until the crisis is…

Read more about: Faculty Hub presents two workshops Jan. 21 and 23

Faculty Hub presents two workshops Jan. 21 and 23

January 14th, 2020

Jan. 21 from 2:30 – 4 p.m.: Setting The Tone for a Successful Term is a workshop that will explore your expectations of students, and help you purposefully develop communication strategies and assignments with a view to cultivating classroom community. Each participant will have the opportunity to explore teaching models and practice them in small…

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Last Modified: April 21, 2020


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