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Students discover Sustainable Happiness on Living Campus tour

September 15th, 2021

Students in Melanie Doyle's Peace and Sustainable Happiness Advanced Studies in Psychology class were the first people to take a Living Campus Tour with a Sustainable Happiness theme on Sept. 13.

Led by Jennifer De Vera of the Sustainability Office and Azra Khan of Human Resources, both trained Sustainable Happiness facilitators, the tour began at the vegetable garden near the Upper Atrium, known as the Theatre Garden. It was offered as part of Dzʿ's Peace Week 2021 Program.

The students were taken on an outdoor tour that included about 10 stops, including the Peace Garden, the White Pine tree and the rooftop gardens.

In this photo, students Cassandra (left) and Thitrinh participate in an activity on the steps just outside the Upper Atrium. Jennifer and Azra distributed colourful chalks and invited the students to write a few words that make them happy on the steps. At the end of the exercise, the steps were full of colourful happy words. Cassandra's and Thitrinh's words were: coffee, music, animals and family, books, painting.

Employees and students who would like a tour are invited to contact the Sustainability Office to register: ܲٲԲٲⰪ岹ɲDzԳDZ𲵱.糦.

Thanks to the Monarch foster parents

September 15th, 2021

Message from Jennifer de Vera of the Sustainability Office:

I would like to send a THANK YOU to all the returning and new Monarch foster parents. We successfully tagged approximately 160 monarchs this season! The Sustainability Office will be checking the site to see where and when they are spotted as they fly South on their migratory path to Mexico.

Many students, employees and faculty from all around Dzʿ participated. New and returning fosters came from HR, Registrar's, I.S.T., CLL, OAD, CRLT, Journeys, North/South, Biology. French and more! We are so happy to bring such joy during this time. As a close friend once told me, "We always say the Monarch project benefits the monarchs, but we often forget, it also benefits those who have raised them!" Well-Being for Al!

Until Monarch season 2022, my friends!

Photo: provided by first-time Monarch foster parent Dinah Palinkas, our Staff Health Nurse for COVID of Human Resources. She enjoyed the experience and met a very nice student who let her take this photo of the butterfly in his hands. 

Spring bulbs on sale Sept. 20-21

September 15th, 2021

The Sustainability Office  has ordered about 1,500 tulip, daffodil and hyacinth bulbs to sell to the Dzʿ community to promote well-being for all. The bulbs will be available for sale at the Peace Garden on Monday, Sept. 20  and Tuesday, Sept. 21 from 12- 2 p.m.  They will cost $1 each. 

After the sale, there will be a bulb planting event in the Peace Garden and the Dzʿ community is welcome to help. The bulb planting will be on Wednesday, Sept. 22 from 12-2 p.m..

Classes go gardening during Peace Week

September 15th, 2021

Many classes, including Anna-Liisa Aunio's Individual and Society class, participated in gardening activities this week as part of Peace Week 2021.

Anna-Liisa's students, mostly in the Child Studies Profile of the Social Science Program, were weeding and documenting insects. They found bees, honey bees, spiders and katydids in the Peace Garden.

"They had so much fun!" Anna-Liisa said. Gardening at Dzʿ is often a first-time experience for students.

Photo: Anna-Liisa Aunio

Dzʿ’s commitment to being carbon neutral forever featured

September 1st, 2021

Un point cinq, an online news site that is Quebec's leading climate change media, featured Dzʿ as a CEGEP committed to taking action on climate change.

See the August feature here:

Bringing Nature into Dzʿ

September 1st, 2021

About 1,200 plants and trees were installed inside the main building of Dzʿ during the last 12 months. A major delivery of plants arrived during the first week of classes.

Click Read More to read the homepage news story.

Butterflies being released every day at 12 p.m.

September 1st, 2021

The Monarch butterfly chrysalises were all adopted by Dzʿ teams and employees, including a few first-timers. As of today, 93 have been tagged and released in the Peace Garden.

Come enjoy a wonderful moment with the butterflies every day at the Peace Garden (near Sherbrooke and Wood corner of the campus) at 12 p.m. Many of the remaining chrysalises are quite advanced- so make a plan to see them this Thursday or Friday.

Photo: from left to right: Brian Mader (Profile Co-Coordinator of Environmental Science), new Monarch foster parent Karen McRae (Computer Support for Cinema l Communications), new Monarch foster parent Yanina Chukhovich (First-Year Students' Office) and Jennifer de Vera of the Sustainability Office.

Take a Living Campus tour

August 18th, 2021

Employees and students are welcome to take a tour of our Living Campus. Even returning employees and students will see new things, such as a new pond and more.

Reserve your spot on a weekly tour by contacting

Explore your commuting options

August 18th, 2021

Coming back to Dzʿ has many employees reconsidering their transport choices. Facilities Management and the Sustainability Office are teaming up to help you explore your possibilities!

The STM has worked very hard on ensuring that their vehicles are sanitized and public health rules respected.

Why not consider a “,” combining modes of transport to reach your destination? For example, drive to the train, train in from the West Island, a BIXI bike ride from Vendome to Dzʿ.

Did the shutdown gave you a new one exercise habit? Active transport could be your way of saving time and maintaining your form. Bicycling (all or part of the way) might be more feasible than you think. Check out Biking at Dzʿ for ideas and promotions.

To encourage you to try bicycling, on top of a discount for memberships, Dzʿ has a limited supply of free one-month trial BIXI memberships available for those coming back to work.

Get in touch with Richard Dugas of Facilities Management to get a code or for more tips on getting to Dzʿ in COVID times by other means than a car! We will be holding a contest to promote biking to Dzʿ, stay tuned!

250 monarch butterfly chrysalises up for adoption

August 18th, 2021

The butterflies are returning to Dzʿ and new employees and employees who have never fostered a butterfly will have priority for adoption.

Click Read More for the link to sign up to become a monarch foster parent.

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Last Modified: September 15, 2021


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