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Read more about: Peace Week 2020 is Sept. 13-25

Peace Week 2020 is Sept. 13-25

August 25th, 2020

While it seems like it was only yesterday that the world came to a shuddering stop, it also feels like this pandemic has been going on for over 600 years. In this strange too-short-too-long span of time, we have witnessed and lived through an entire history book of events, movements and phenomena. Though they may…

Read more about: Justice, Peace and Waking Up

Justice, Peace and Waking Up

June 16th, 2020

It is safe to say that most of us—if not all—watched the last two weeks with horror and anger at the murder of another unarmed Black man. Coupled with the recent worldwide events, this cataclysmic turning point laid bare the deep roots of racism and discrimination embedded in our social architecture. It’s not a new…

Meditation with Daniel Goldsmith extended until end of June

June 2nd, 2020

Due to popular demand, Daniel Goldsmith is continuing to offer guided meditation until the end of June.

Guided meditation is offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 - 2:30 p.m.

Click on the Read More link to join the meditation sessions on Zoom at the appointed times.

Read more about: Making peace with the planet: sustainability, action, and peace

Making peace with the planet: sustainability, action, and peace

April 21st, 2020

The environment has long been the casualty of war, destruction, and ignorance. The violence of armed conflict not only annihilates humanity, shattering ways of life, it also devastates the environment as it becomes either collateral damage, or suffers from the deliberate destruction to accumulate power, leading to the “plunder[ing] of natural resources and the collapse…

Read more about: Keeping the faith: celebrating tradition during untraditional times

Keeping the faith: celebrating tradition during untraditional times

April 7th, 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak did not just disrupt our everyday, mundane lives, but for some, our spiritual lives as well. Aside from a few outliers, religious councils around the world have followed the secular health guidelines: religious centres are closed, services are cancelled, and the faithful instructed to stay at home, to socially distance themselves, and…

Read more about: What you can do to stop the spread of social stigma

What you can do to stop the spread of social stigma

March 31st, 2020

It is a sad truth that during an outbreak of public stress, we also see an increased outbreak of xenophobia, discrimination, and racism. Fear often makes us do and say things that we normally wouldn’t, and we start looking for a group to blame. This gives rise to social stigma, xenophobia, and racism and causes…

Read more about: COVID-19, fear and working together

COVID-19, fear and working together

March 17th, 2020

In the 2017 film, Going in Style, Michael Caine’s character found himself in the midst of a bank heist. As he handed his wallet to the robber, the masked thief gave it back to him, telling the old man, “It is a culture’s duty to take care of its elderly”. I’d like to extend that…

Read more about: Resistance, Resilience and Beyond workshop by Cathy Richardson March 24

Resistance, Resilience and Beyond workshop by Cathy Richardson March 24

March 10th, 2020

Dr. Cathy Richardson will be presenting her 1.5 hour workshop, “Resistance, Resilience and Beyond” March 24 at noon as part of the Warren G Flowers Art Gallery’s Resistance and Resilience Series, and sponsored by the Peace Centre and the Faculty Hub. In this presentation, Dr. Cathy Richardson will discuss the concepts of resistance, resilience and responses…

Read more about: Ethical Eating debate March 5

Ethical Eating debate March 5

March 3rd, 2020

Contentiousness with Compassion Debate Series: “Ethical Eating” The Peace Certificate and the Peace Centre presents Contentiousness with Compassion, a moderated debate series aimed to bring civility and respect to difficult conversations with someone whose views you might fundamentally disagree with. On March 5, at 2pm in the Amphitheatre (4C.1), we will host our first debate,…

Read more about: Sustainable Fashion at Social Science Week

Sustainable Fashion at Social Science Week

February 4th, 2020

We are buying 60 per cent more clothes today compared to 20 years ago and we are only keeping these clothes half as long as we used to. This is one surprising fact that students learned at a lecture  Feb. 3 on sustainable fashion given by Kelly Drennan, Founding Executive Director of Fashion Takes Action. Kelly’s…

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Last Modified: August 25, 2020


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