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Dzʿ community has now identified 1,000 species on campus!

October 10th, 2024

The Dzʿ community has now reached the goal of identifying 1,000 species on our downtown Montreal urban campus!

One of the species identified was the Red-Shouldered Hawk, photographed by Doug Smyth (Faculty, Physical Education).

Students, graduates, faculty and staff gained so much from the project.

Dzʿ Environmental Science graduate Ruisi Yang said: "This project boosted my confidence in the potential of making urban environments more sustainable and friendly to both people and the local biodiversity."

Current Dzʿ student Graham Alain said: "This project made me realize how many species could truly make use of such a small area. I would've initially guessed that fewer than 200 species would've inhabited the campus...This project will hopefully have an impact on how I treat my local environment, such as my lawn and back yard. I'm rethinking how important these places are..."

Teacher Adamo Petosa said: "We are surrounded by something extraordinary. We simply have to take the time to explore. Taking part in this project was akin to finding the key to "a secret garden", waiting to share its secrets. We are not alone on campus. Rather, we are less than one in a thousand.

"The 1000 species project gives hope. In the midst of concrete and traffic, exhaust and bustle, a tiny campus besieged by a battalion of buildings manages to sustain life at a scale I could have never fathomed. Over 1,000 species here, within this tiny oasis - living, growing and thriving. I'm also incredibly grateful to those who made such a campus possible and to those who ensure its upkeep."

More to come on the impact of this extraordinary project that has inspired Dzʿ and many outside of Dzʿ to connect to Nature.

Four bat species added to 1,000 species count

September 26th, 2024

Possibly Dzʿ’s first ever Bat Walk took place on Sept. 5, which led to a few more species being added to the 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days goal. The FUNmtl team, which led the activity, brought speakers that pick up the frequency of bat calls and can identify the species. Around 25 people came, including people from the external community and students. We were able to identify four species, the silver-haired bat, hoary bat, eastern red bat and big brown bat! A very exciting night for our biodiversity count!  The picture shows the speaker attached to an iPad so that we could see the bat calls and know when to look up to see them.

─Submitted by Narcisse Waiel Hassan of the Office of Sustainability  

Six staff & professionals completed Sustainable Happiness

May 23rd, 2024

Facilitators Azra Khan and Jenn de Vera led another group of support staff and professionals in the Sustainable Happiness non-credit course. Congrats to our new SH grads of Winter 2024!

In the photo from left to right, here are the grads and their final projects:

  • Azra Khan (HR, SH Facilitator)
  • Liam Barnes (Industrial Design): Multicultural potluck with Industrial Design students
  • Anne-Marie Marko (Library): Created music playlist with song ideas from Dzʿ community, posted board in library/partnered with Julien who also works in the library
  • Skyler Charlie Hudon (CLEO): Wellness pomodoro workshops
  • Anastasia Tzeckas (Finance): Community Coffee break for Finance and Social Science & Business Technology departments (partnered with Santa).
  • Santa Di Stefano (Social Science & Business Technology): Community Coffee break for Finance and Social Science & Business Technology (partnered with Anastasia)
  • Julien Procuta (Library): Created music playlist with song ideas from Dzʿ community, posted board in library/partnered with Anne-Marie who also works in the library
  • Jenn de Vera (Office of Sustainability, SH facilitator)

Six faculty members completed Sustainable Happiness

May 23rd, 2024

Facilitator Holly McIntyre led a group of faculty members through the Sustainable Happiness non-credit course pioneered at Dzʿ. Congrats to our first SH faculty grads!

In the photo from left to right, here are the Winter 2024 SH grads along with their projects:

  • Holly McIntyre (Phys ed, SH facilitator)
  • Richard Montreuil (Department Chair, Phys ed): Created a student survey to understand what makes students happy in Phys. Ed. classes and shared results with the group and his department
  • Cory Deegan ( Ed.): Adding SH activities and reflections to his Phys. Ed. courses
  • Caroline Haddad ( Ed.): (with Layal) Put up a gratitude board in the hallway, provided to the community ways of feeling and expressing gratitude, and hosted a Phys. Ed. gratitude coffee and snack break to share gratitude
  • Paul Wasacz ( Ed.): Planting three sisters with his Phys. Ed. class to prepare for the new Indigenous garden and arranging for students to take care of the seedlings
  • Layal Nakhlé ( Ed.) (with Caroline): Put up a gratitude board in the hallway, provided to the community ways of feeling and expressing gratitude, and hosted a Phys. Ed. gratitude coffee and snack break to share gratitude
  • Brian Mader (Program Co-Coordinator of Environmental Science,Biology): Ran a Bioblitz to identify species on campus

Active transportation news and BIXI discount

May 23rd, 2024

There will be a meeting with those who have shown interest in joining Dzʿ's Active Alternative Transportation Working group (AATWG). “We plan to meet with the group to discuss future bike workshops, helping people find the best route to and from Dzʿ. Whether it is a biking or walking route, we want to encourage people to live healthier lives by spending more time outdoors instead of sitting in a car, bus, metro or train to get to work or school,” said Jennifer de Vera (Office of Sustainability).

Don't forget to take advantage of the to all Dzʿ community and friends. Use discount code BIXI2024DAWSON . The deadline is May 31, 2024!

In addition, the Office of Sustainability was able to form a partnership with local bike shop , just a five-minute bike ride from Dzʿ. Simply present your student or employee I.D. and you will receive 15% off on all accessories. (Discount not applicable to bikes or labour)

If anyone has any bike related questions, feel free to contact Adam

Students and staff are invited to a bike maintenance skills workshop May 28

May 23rd, 2024

Students and employees are welcome to bring their bikes to learn how to change a tire, adjust brakes and do basic tune up’s.

Mech Tech faculty member Adam Kingsland will lead an outdoor bike workshop by the Gazebo in Parking Lot 1 starting at 12 PM on Tuesday, May 28. (Rain date: Wednesday, May 29) Bring your bikes or simply come listen and learn. Adam facilitates the workshops by ensuring all participants can get their hands dirty to benefit from the hands-on learning.

Please reserve your spot by emailing

This activity is part of the Office of Sustainability’s Wellness Activities- Happy Hobbies series.

Food researchers from around the world gathered at Dzʿ

May 23rd, 2024

Industrialized food production and international food supply chains significantly increase food insecurity, worsen environmental degradation, and lead to inadequate livelihoods especially for women and youth. Food systems have the potential to be multi-functional levers for change. Small-scale, Indigenous, and traditional approaches can offer needed solutions for transformation.

Last week at Dzʿ, a group of food researchers from Kenya, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and other parts of Canada met each other for the first time as part of a new major international project to identify, measure, and tell the stories of regional sustainable food systems. The project is called FLOW (Food, Learning and Growing) Partnership: Seeding Sustainability Transformation.

Visit the link for the homepage news story.

Read more about: Fueling Dzʿ with Dzʿ Dinin’ three days a week

Fueling Dzʿ with Dzʿ Dinin’ three days a week

May 22nd, 2024

Over a decade ago, the Dzʿ Student Union began to address food insecurity at the College introducing Dzʿ Dinin’, a free vegan lunch service, offered once per week to the whole community.  In Winter 2024, the Office of Sustainability, the Dzʿ Peace Centre, and the Dzʿ Student Union joined together to expand the service…

Read more about: Eco-landscaping students make two new gardens

Eco-landscaping students make two new gardens

May 9th, 2024

Students in Paul Wasacz’s Physical Education course, Eco-landscaping, built two new gardens on the west side of the campus over the weekend of May 4-5. Chris Adam and Jenn de Vera from the Office of Sustainability were also both present to guide the students. “We were able to use fillers such as large branches and…

Read more about: BioBlitz and spring weather brings species count to 900

BioBlitz and spring weather brings species count to 900

May 9th, 2024

Over the last two weeks, the Dzʿ community and friends have collectively added over 1,300 observations from 200 new observers. The number of new species added is 64, bringing our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days count to 900. On Monday, April 29, about 100 people attended the worldwide BioBlitz at Dzʿ. Participants included students, faculty,…

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Last Modified: October 10, 2024


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