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Meet the first recipients of the Mahsa Amini Scholarship

January 23rd, 2024

Tara Balador and Chloe Jung are the first two recipients of the new Mahsa Amini Scholarship, which was presented by Candice Zhong of the Dzʿ Student Union at the Fall Awards Night Nov. 30. The Mahsa Amini Scholarship aims to help international and refugee students at Dzʿ who are affected by conflict and in need of financial aid.

“Being honoured with this award presented a significant chance for me,” said Tara, a student in Pure & Applied Science, in an interview with the Communications Office. “As an international student, it helped me to pay my college tuition fees. Moreover, it instilled confidence in me and conveyed a sense of importance, indicating that the college values and supports me in the challenges I face as an international student.”

To read the homepage news story with interviews of both recipients, visit the link below.

Dzʿ is presenting the Canadian premiere of Leopoldstadt

January 23rd, 2024

Sir Tom Stoppard’s play Leopoldstadt will have its Canadian premiere at the Dzʿ Theatre on Wednesday, Feb. 7. Directed by Matt Holland, the play features the 2024 graduating class of Dzʿ’s Professional Theatre program.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for our students because Sir Tom Stoppard is a renowned, award-winning British playwright with a 60-year career in theatre,” said Professional Theatre faculty member Leah Esau.  “He is best known for his screenplay Shakespeare in Love (1998), as well as his plays Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and Travesties.”

Visit the link to the read the homepage news story featuring interviews with the actors.

DC Model UN delegates “gaveled” and received honourable mentions at SSUNS

November 30th, 2023

The Dzʿ Model UN (DCMUN) team had a great experience at the Secondary Schools’ United Nations Symposium (SSUNS) conference hosted by McGill University Nov. 9-12.

"Gaveling" is the highest award in the Model UN world and three Dzʿ students "gaveled" and others received honourable mentions.

For the homepage news story, visit the link.

1,000 Species, a year in review

November 29th, 2023

Birds, beetles and fungi, oh my! Our 1,000 Species in 1,000 Days project has been running for a full year now.

Over that last year, students, faculty and staff have all contributed their talents and curiosity to get as many species identified on campus as possible. Our count after one year is 820 species, with 3,916 total observations and 279 people contributing to the project.

We have made amazing strides over the past year. However, as we approach 1,000 species, we will have to work harder than ever. If you would like to get involved, or get your classes involved in the spring, email

Happy identifying  everyone!

Photo: Red Milkweed Beetle on milkweed.

Submitted by Brian Mader, Faculty, Biology

Industrial Design students win provincial design competition

November 29th, 2023

Four Dzʿ students in the Industrial Design Program won first place in the provincial competition for college students across Quebec held Nov. 10-11-12 at Université de Montréal.

Visit the link for the homepage news story, which includes a link to a City News TV report.

Two new awards to be presented at Fall Awards Night

November 29th, 2023

Dzʿ is holding our annual Fall Awards Night on Nov. 30.

“We will celebrate our students who are committed, perseverant, hard-working, caring and kind,” said Academic Dean Leanne Bennett. “The achievement of our students is our collective achievement- the ultimate result of the dedication of our teachers, support staff, professionals and managers and is, of course, shared with our students’ parents, activity leaders and coaches.”

Visit the link for the homepage news story about the two new awards that will be presented.

Canadore College and Dzʿ to collaborate on Sustainable Happiness

November 29th, 2023

Canadore College in North Bay, Ontario, and Dzʿ will be working together to improve the overall well-being of our respective campuses and communities. The two institutions recently signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on advancing a Sustainable Happiness Certificate.

Please visit the link for the joint news release.

Dzʿ grad wins major bursary

November 9th, 2023

In October, Blain Haile (Dzʿ Class of 2023- Social Science (Law, Society and Justice) won a $5,000 TELUS Student Bursary.

Blain is pursuing a Bachelor of Civil Law and a Juris Doctor with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist, & Social Justice Studies.

Visit the link to read about her favourite teachers at Dzʿ, her commitment to volunteer and advocacy projects and what's next for her.

Read more about: Doug Smyth’s photo in Birds Canada calendar

Doug Smyth’s photo in Birds Canada calendar

November 9th, 2023

Physical Education faculty member and Nature photographer Doug Smyth’s photo is featured in the Birds Canada 2024 Calendar, which is mailed out to 15,000 people across Canada. Kate Dalgleish of Birds Canada said that “in 2023 nearly 2,000 photographers submitted images, so the competition is fairly fierce. A few of Douglas’s shots were in the…

Students share summer neuroscience research projects at Montreal labs

November 9th, 2023

Thirteen Dzʿ students spent their summer working on real research projects in various fields of neuroscience.

There were eight projects in partnership with Polytechnique/Ste-Justine, MNI, Douglas Institute, McGill departments of Physiology and of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. According to Neuroscience Research Group coordinator Hélène Nadeau: “some projects used images from dMRI, EEG, MRI, fMRI, MR spectroscopy, or PET modalities to probe questions related to the health of neonates, to audition in the normal population, or to pathologies such as schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, or Alzheimer’s disease.

“Other projects relied on experiments on mice or rats, to better understand physiological mechanisms related to pathologies. In the course of the academic year, several teams worked on a large array of projects combining behavioural and EEG data.”

Three of the students shared their projects in interviews with the Communications Office. Visit the Read More link to see their projects and interviews.

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Last Modified: January 25, 2024


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