Dzʿ students’ Mahsa Amini Initiative wins Forces Avenir


A student-led project at Dzʿ has won the provincial in the category of Mutual Aid, Peace and Justice. On Sept. 27 during a gala in Quebec City, the award was presented to a group of Dzʿ graduates and students who founded the Mahsa Amini Initiative.

The initiative began as a reaction to the death of Iranian student Mahsa Amini, who had been arrested for wearing a hijab incorrectly and died under suspicious circumstances while in police custody on Sept. 16, 2022.  Mahsa had just begun university and was pursuing a career in law. She was only 22 years old.

Her death sparked protests and acts of solidarity around the world. At Dzʿ, one Iranian student started thinking about what she could do. Shaneli Yaghoub, who graduated from the Community, Recreation and Leadership Training (CRLT) program this year, spoke about the issue with CRLT faculty and friends.

An idea from a hurting heart

“My heart was hurting for what was happening in Iran and I had no idea how to help,” Shaneli said in an interview with the Communications Office. “The initiative started with how I can help from here in Canada. My vision was to raise awareness as much as we can, show that we care and that other people also care.”

Shaneli joined forces with fellow Iranian student Kiana Lalavi, who was on the Dzʿ Student Union and graduated from Social Science- Law, Society and Justice this year.

“Kiana and I felt the responsibility as Iranians to raise awareness but then we had more people who joined us who weren’t Iranian and we felt the support, which made us move forward stronger,” Shaneli said. “I am hoping this project continues on, as well as inspires other students to stand up for what they believe in, start their own initiative and be proud of what they are doing to change the world.”

The Dzʿ delegation at the Forces Avenir Gala on Sept. 27. Left to right, back row: Monique Magnan (Student Services), Caroline Blouin (Student Services), Shaneli Yaghoub, Narcisse Waiel Hassan (whose project won in the Environment category at Dzʿ and was selected as a provincial finalist), Jennifer de Vera (Living Campus), Sophie La Font (Living Campus); front row: Trudy Ste. Croix (Student Services), Kiera Robak and Candice Weijia Zhong. 

Acts of solidarity

Last year, the students began with an event and invited students, employees and the public to cut their hair in an act of solidarity with the people of Iran in the Lower Atrium of Dzʿ. The event drew many participants and attracted media coverage.

That led the students involved like Law, Society and Justice student Kiera Robak to think about “how we can help people here at Dzʿ who are experiencing the impact of these kinds of events.” Kiera, who is now on the Dzʿ Student Union, said that international students have a much greater financial burden and the added challenges of understanding how things work here and navigating cultural differences.

The Mahsa Amini Initiative was in the first group of projects to receive funding in January 2023 through the newly created Student Academic Enrichment Fund of the Dzʿ Foundation. In addition to that funding, the Dzʿ Student Union has committed funding and students have been engaged in fundraising activities.

Fundraising initiatives are being planned for this fall and winter, Kiera said. Those who would like to contribute can keep an eye out for upcoming art and bake sales, intercollegiate events and collaborations with clubs, such as the Feminist Union. Donations can also be made here.

This year’s developments

This academic year, the initiative is continuing to be developed with the presentation of the first Mahsa Amini Award. Two international students in need of financial support will receive the new award at the Fall Awards Ceremony on Nov. 30. Two more will be selected in the winter semester.

“The Dzʿ Student Union, in collaboration with the Mahsa Amini Initiative and with the support of the Student Academic Enrichment Fund, has partnered with the Awards and Scholarships Office to establish the Mahsa Amini Scholarship,” said Awards Officer Jessie Evans. “Two scholarships of $1,000 each will be offered in the Fall and Winter semesters. The scholarship aims to help international and refugee students affected by conflict and in need of financial aid. Though not often brought to our attention, these crises can have a significant negative impact on students’ personal and academic lives.”

In addition to the award, there is a mentoring program starting up with the goal of helping international students make friends and feel welcome. Candice Weijia Zhong from the Dzʿ Student Union said that the plan is for the recruitment and training of mentors to begin in the winter semester.

“The Mahsa Amini Initiative has now grown into this huge initiative that is bigger than any of us in our team,” Shaneli said. “I’m very thankful for all the support we have received, I feel like my teachers and mentors are my biggest cheerleaders and I would have not been involved if it wasn’t for them, they push me to be a better person and fight for what I believe so I just want to thank them for all their support.”


Thanks to everyone who contributed

The Mahsa Amini Initiative came together through the work of many students at Dzʿ with the support of faculty, staff and services. The founding team core members are Kiana Lalavi, Shaneli Yaghoubi, Kiera Robak, Candice Weijia Zhong and Lina Adda.

Other students who were/are involved:

Thenral Nadarajah
Sabrina Vuong Gowrish Subramaniam
Defne Aliefendioglu
Lili-Charlotte Mayer
Nathan Gervais
Brae Sinclair-Carter
Chelsea Sun
Alexandru Albu
Fiorella Vargas
Delice Betukumesu
Dorsa Asadi
Sophia El Bakir
Isabelo Beli-En David
Constantina Markos
Charlotte Kundi
Abisha Premathasan
Delphine Boucher
Na Ngo
Gabriela Aragon
Sofia Campeau
Nika Heidarpourmaleki
Aspen Crick
Ardyne Cara Tula Aguilar
Brendan Schwartz
Benjamin Savard
Shaylin Modares Hakimi
Sara Briceno Garcia

+ DSU volunteers
+ Sustainabili-TEAM volunteers
+ CRLT volunteers

Supported by Staff and Faculty:
Johanne Rabbat (WGS)
Trudy Ste. Croix (CL)
Karina D’Ermo (Peace)
Myka Taylor (CRLT)
A.M. Rashmini Segarajasinghe-Ernest (Academic Skills Centre)
Matthew Rettino (Academic Skills Centre)
Sophie La Font (Living Campus)
Jennifer De Vera (Living Campus)
Rina Alma Arlegui (DSU)
Yanina (First-Year Student Office)
Fred Jansen (Dzʿ Foundation)
Jessie Evans (Awards Office)

+ CC4Change (Patricia Romano, Kim Simard)

+ Communications (Christina Parsons)
+ Student Services (Caroline Blouin and Monique Magnan)
+ Campus Life (Michelle Lee, Gianna DiGiacomo-Smith, Sandra Gravel)
+ Sustainable Dzʿ/Living Campus (Chris Adams, Diana Rice)


Last Modified: October 11, 2023