ÆßÐDzʿª½± multidisciplinary team wins second place during the local 24-hours of Innovation Competition


The is a competition originating in France that challenges participants to propose solutions to problems presented by the community, industry or universities. This year’s
challenges included engineering, design and quality of life challenges.

Teams of 5 to 10 participants work together over a 24-hour period to prepare a proposal and pitch on video. Prizes are awarded for the most innovative solutions. This global event gathers more than 1,000 students in 10 countries on five continents. In Montreal, the École de technologie superieure is the go-to place for this competition. For a list of all the challenges and more information on the competition: 24-hours of innovation.

We would like to congratulate our ÆßÐDzʿª½± team who picked Challenge #17 – Reinventing Stairs: “How do we make stairs more attractive to users?â€

For a look at this second place winning video, follow

Congratulations to:
Zhuoran Wang              Shanghai Normal University, visiting professor
David Weeks                Industrial Design Faculty
Scott Millar                  Interior Design Faculty

Amy Spingle, Interior Design student
Thohahen:Te McComber, Industrial Design student
Olivia Serrano, Industrial Design student
Olivia Lusterio-Adler, Cinema & Communications student
Olivier Magne, Cinema & Communications student
Angelika Selivanova, Health Science student
Dara Aghamirkarimi, Masters student at ETS-Creativity & Innovation   
Adjaout Abdelkrim, Masters student at ETS, Mech. Eng.

Special thanks goes out to Olivier Magne, a Cin. Vid. Comm student who pulled an all-nighter to put the video together.

Last Modified: March 27, 2015