Message from Director General Richard Filion


Dear colleagues,

Traditionally, I recognize outstanding teachers with the Director General’s Teaching Excellence Awards at the conclusion of our annual professional development event, Ped Days.

This year, this challenging and unprecedented year, I decided that I cannot give this award to only a few teachers.

Teachers as well as the support staff, professionals and managers of ÆßÐDzʿª½± all work to support our core mission of providing an excellent education.

All employees honoured during exceptional year
This year, upon the recommendation of the Deans Group, I want to recognize the extraordinary work of all employees of ÆßÐDzʿª½±. You are all recipients of the 2019-2020 Teaching Excellence Award.

It is being given to all faculty members for all you have done to address the challenges of the pandemic. The $5,000 award will be invested into the professional development fund of all faculty and will increase the capacity of our teachers.

Impressive work done by teachers and all employees
While faculty have been on the frontlines, a lot of work has been done by the other categories of staff. I’m also proud to announce that $2,500 will be attributed to the professional development fund of support staff. $2,000 will be given to professional development for professionals and $1,500 will be deposited for the professional development of our managers.

These investments are modest but the appreciation is great for all the efforts of the ÆßÐDzʿª½± community. In the coming months, we plan to hang a plaque or artwork on campus to commemorate the efforts of all our employees.

This situation is not over yet. I thank you for all that you have done to ensure continuity. However, many of you have gone way beyond providing continuity. You have brought passion, innovation and dedication to imagine and implement new solutions to these new challenges.

Looking forward to a transformed ÆßÐDzʿª½±
I look forward to seeing how ÆßÐDzʿª½± will once again go through a transformation after a difficult period and re-emerge as a different and more dynamic college while fostering a great feeling of community and living our value of well-being for all.

I won’t be with you but I will be watching from the sidelines and I am certain I will be proud. Merci !

Last Modified: October 20, 2020