Small group of students return to campus


On Monday, June 1, a small group of Dzʿ students returned to the campus to complete the Winter Semester. This was the first time learning activities have taken place since March 13.

About 120 students from Diagnostic Imaging, Electronics Engineering Technology, Civil Engineering Technology and the Professional Theatre programs will be completing courses at Dzʿ from June 1- June 18.

Opportunity to attain competencies

Being on campus will “allow these students the opportunity to attain the competencies attached to these courses that could not be done in an online environment,” said Carmela Gumelli, Dean of Academic Systems. Carmela has the challenging job of scheduling classes and leading a task force working on the reintegration of students and employees.

The return to campus for this small group is happening under strict health protocols to ensure the safety of all.

Reintegration protocol

The four-page reintegration protocol lists how classes and labs must take place.

There is only one access point to the building: the 2E Security entrance. Each time the employees and students enter the college, they must answer questions about COVID-19 and sanitize or wash their hands upon entering and leaving the building. Masks are not obligatory but are strongly recommended.

Some of the points covered in the protocol include:

  • Facilities Management has determined the maximum number of people per room to respect physical distancing guidelines and schedules have been prepared according to these guidelines.
  • Air in classrooms, labs and common spaces will be recycled according to the frequency recommended by the Direction de la santé publique.
  • If it is not possible to maintain a 2-metre distance in the class or lab, students and employees must wear a mask. People are asked to bring their own mask but one will be provided if necessary.
  • If the lab requires close or direct physical contact, students and employees must wear a mask as well as gloves, protective eyewear and a disposable gown, which will be provided.
  • There must be one hour between activities in a classroom for cleaning to take place between groups and students are asked to wipe down their desk/work area before and after using the class or lab.
  • Students cannot move about freely in the building. They must go to their class or lab and use pre-determined routes to go to the bathroom if needed. Everyone is asked to not bring food except if required for health reasons or if staying on campus for more than two hours.
  • All high-contact, high-traffic areas along designated routes will be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals during the day.

Last Modified: June 2, 2020