Moodle Day 2023

Moodle Day 2023


In order to participate, please register using the following link:

May 26th, 2023 (Friday) – Online through Teams

Presentations Schedule

9:00 AM – OpenEdTech Global: Moodle in the Ecosystem of Open

Presenter: Alexandre Enkerli, Technopedagogical Advisor, Eductive

What does it mean for Moodle to enter an Ecosystem of Open?

Back in 2018, Moodle founder Martin Dougiamas has created Open EdTech. That association had its first meeting in 2019. However, it’s only in the past year that Dougiamas and partners have become more active in this group. This movement may have a profound impact on the flagship Free Software LMS. Broadly speaking, these developments put Moodle in an “Ecosystem of Open” which includes Open Data and Open Educational Resources as well as Open Science and Open Government. During this discussion, we’ll explore the potential impact our use of Moodle may have in this ecosystem.

9:30 AM – Moodle as a tool for grassroots collaboration and open-source educational resources

Presenters: Chloé Collins & Rebecca Peters, Teachers, Cégep Édouard-Montpetit

A group of like-minded teachers from six CEGEPs collaborated to find a creative solution to help students navigate the intricacies of college life and thrive in General Education courses. With Moodle as our shared platform, we created open-source lessons to improve students’ additional language skills and facilitate their transition to college. This presentation describes our creation process, explains the unexpected benefits that arose from our joint efforts, and highlights the importance of having an open-source platform for collaboration, professional growth and educational revitalization.

10:00 AM – Cleaning Old Moodle Courses

Presenter: Marc Charbonneau, Moodle Admin, Dzʿ

Dzʿ’s plugin to delete old courses from some years ago, reclaimingsome disk space and making the dashboard cleaner.

10:30 AM – Moodle 4, and then what?

Presenter: François Lizotte, Chargé de project, COLLECTO

Some of you already have access to Moodle 4 while others will have to wait a bit longer (a few weeks?). So rather than just presenting the latest news from Moodle, I suggest a conversation on some new features. Does it really make any difference for teachers? Do you have any favorites to share or even some frustrations? How about students, our final users?

11:00 – 11:15 AM : Break

11:15 AM – ChatGPT and Moodle: An Interesting Mix

Presenters: Rafael Scapin & Cameron Campbell, IT Ped Counsellors, Dzʿ

The workshopwill explorethe potential of integrating the capabilities of ChatGPT with the functionality of Moodle. Participants will learn how to use ChatGPT to create dynamic and personalized learning experiences by easily creating activities like quizzes, assignments, and discussions. The workshop will provide practical examples of how ChatGPT can assist teachers with tasks such as generating questions, checking student understanding, and providing individualized feedback.

Last Modified: June 13, 2023