First Peoples’ Centre


Tiawenti:non Canadian
Email: Show Email
Office: 3e.15
Local: 1192

Upcoming Events:

nATIONAL dAY POSTER (1024 × 576 px)National Day for Awareness and Action for MMIWGT2S May 2 – May 5

Gathering for MMIWGT2S-May 5th East Grounds

Meet outside on the east grounds for the National day of Awareness and Action.

Drumming, singing, a minute of silence, and space to gather and reflect.

Backpack Program for Indigenous Women-Donation Bin in the Upper Atrium

Donate gently used backpacks and/or donate some of the following items:

Pre-package cheese/tuna


Wet Wipes & tissues

Hygiene products

Face masks





toothbrushes & toothpaste

Red Dress Project-Upper Atrium

Red Dress Day is observed May 5, inspired by Jaime Black’s ongoing art series, the REDress Project, to draw attention to the issue.  Contribute to ÆßÐDzʿª½±’s Red Dress project by adding a red square onto the 8′ dress cut out.  The project can be found in the Upper Atrium.



  • First Peoples’ Week March 28 – April 1, 2022
  • First Peoples’ Week March 29th – April 1st, 2021


Important Documents and Links

Last Modified: May 4, 2022