Attendance Policy
Because this course requires students to work in a studio environment, regular critiques are given to both the entire class and the individual student as part of the acquisition of competencies. Attendance is therefore mandatory and will be taken in every class.
Students must be available for art direction in class to pass the course. Individuals who habitually miss class can jeopardize their success in this course. Four absences will result in your status in the program being reviewed. In this case, a student cannot receive a grade above 50. Only in exceptional circumstances, and at the teacher’s discretion, will the student be permitted to continue the course for credit. It is at the teacher’s discretion to require documentation for absences.
When absent from class, the student is responsible for inquiring about missed information and assigned homework. It is important to note that it is not possible for the instructor to transmit all of the material and instruction missed by a student; only a synopsis can be provided. There will be no make-up assignments for those absent during an in-class assignment; therefore, the student will NOT be able to receive any marks for work missed.
Students are expected to be present to begin class at the scheduled time. Arriving late or leaving early disrupts the class, both for students and instructors, and is a form of absence. Consequently, individuals who habitually arrive late or leave early can jeopardize their success in a course.
Students should refer to the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP section IV-C) regarding attendance.