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Student Fees


Returning Day Students Winter 2025 Semester Fees

Your regular full-time student fees ($319) for the winter 2025 semester have now been invoiced and are due at the latest and in full by Friday, November 29, 2024.

Please note that to be able to register for the winter 2025 semester these fees and any other outstanding fees must be paid in full.

IMPORTANT: Required procedure for those invoiced and NOT returning for the Winter 2025 semester:

If you are not returning for the winter 2025 semester and have been invoiced, please go to > My College Services > College Withdrawal Form and complete an official form requesting the cancellation of your Winter 2025 semester otherwise you will be responsible to pay the fees.

Continuing Education Students

All fees are due in full upon registration. Students who do not pay their course fees may have their course registration cancelled, and will remain liable for the non-refundable fees.

Payment Options

Please see payment of fees.

If you have any questions, you may contact the Student Fees office by visiting room 4B.5 or by telephone at 514 931-8731, local 1387.

Non-Quebec Resident Fees

If you have been assessed a Non-Quebec Resident Fee and believe you should not be, please click on the link below for “Non-Quebec Resident Fees” and follow the instructions.

Registration Fees





Application Fees

General application fee, international student document analysis fee, admissions aptitude tests fees

Commandite Students

Non-Quebec & International Students


  • This document complements the College By-Laws by specifying the cost of purchase or rental of goods and of services not covered by Article 24.5 of the Act. It also specifies the penalties that students must pay when they fail to comply with College deadlines. The sale of goods and services through the College Bookstore is not included in this document.
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    Ce document complète les Règlements du Collège en précisant les coûts d’achat ou de location de biens et de services non couverts par l’article 24.5 de la Loi. Il précise également les pénalités que la population étudiante doit payer lorsque les échéances du Collège ne sont pas respectées. La vente de biens et de services par l’entremise de la librairie du Collège n’est pas incluse dans ce document.


  • Concerning the General Administration of the College
  •  ç
    Concernant l'administration générale du Collège. Modifié le 15 octobre 2024.
  • Concerning Student Fees For Admission, Registration and Instructional Services.
    Effective Winter 2019.
  •  ç
    Droits d'admission, droits d'inscription et autres droits afférents aux services d'enseignement
  • Concerning Supplemental Student Fees. Effective Fall 2022.
  •  ç
    Concernant les droits supplémentaires imposés aux étudiants. En vigeur session automne 2022.
  • Concerning Financial Management
  • Concerning Procurement.
  •  ç
    Concernant l'approvisionnement.

Last Modified: November 6, 2024