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Read Full Text: 5 Ways to Connect With Online Students

5 Ways to Connect With Online Students

July 27th, 2020

By Flower Darby Faculty Focus   I’d been teaching online courses for 10 years — and, I liked to think, had become quite efficient and effective in the format — on the day it dawned on me that I was treating my online students as if they weren’t actually people. Most of my university’s courses,…

Read Full Text: Synchronous Strategies for the “New Normalâ€

Synchronous Strategies for the “New Normalâ€

July 13th, 2020

  July 13, 2020 Zahir I. Latheef Faculty Focus When many universities rushed to provide remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I leaned on my synchronous experience to train faculty on the pedagogical potential of platforms like Zoom.  Training amidst this crisis gave me insights on what instructors new to synchronous teaching struggled with…

Read Full Text: Using Social Media to Retain and Connect with Students in the Shift to Online Education

Using Social Media to Retain and Connect with Students in the Shift to Online Education

June 26th, 2020

  June 24, 2020  Abdullah Al-Bahrani, PhD, and Rebecca Moryl, PhD COVID-19 has upended normal social connections that develop between students and professors. We are missing the connections that develop through casual interactions in office hours, pre-class discussions, post-class questions, and any other in-person interaction. These social connections are important for student retention, academic development,…

Read Full Text: Fostering Fun: Engaging Students with Asynchronous Online Learning

Fostering Fun: Engaging Students with Asynchronous Online Learning

June 17th, 2020

June 17, 2020  Lisa K. Forbes, PhD Today, faculty are being asked to abruptly expand their teaching practices in ways many of us would never have imagined. For many, teaching online is something they’ve never done and for some, it’s something they never desired to do. I have some experience with digital pedagogy but for…

Read Full Text: Handing Students the Mic: Podcasting to Increase Engagement

Handing Students the Mic: Podcasting to Increase Engagement

June 11th, 2020

Mike Yakubovsky  Published in ASCD Express A recent LinkedIn study identified the top 10 skills employers are currently looking for in their interns and new hires (Hess, 2019). I looked through it all, and nowhere was there a reference to test-taking ability. What was at the top of the list were soft skills like collaboration, time management,…

Read Full Text: How to Be a Better Online Teacher – Advice Guide

How to Be a Better Online Teacher – Advice Guide

May 13th, 2020

From The Chronicle of Higher Education Whether you’ve taught online a lot or a little, chances are you didn’t enjoy it as much as teaching in person. Maybe you didn’t experience that fizz after a particularly invigorating face-to-face class. Indeed, according to a 2017 Educause survey, only 9 percent of academics prefer to teach “in a…

Read Full Text: Yann Brouillette and Carmen Leung in ProfWeb Podcast!

Yann Brouillette and Carmen Leung in ProfWeb Podcast!

April 29th, 2020

From Profweb, April 27, 2020 A number of technologies have facilitated the transition to alternative methods of teaching. In recent years, these tools have become more user-friendly and accessible to teachers, who are using them to support a blended or fully on-line approach within their teaching practice. Yann Brouillette and Carmen Leung are 2 such teachers from ÆßÐDzʿª½±…

Read Full Text: A Reflection on the Sudden Transition: Ideas to Make Your Synchronous Online Classes More Fun

A Reflection on the Sudden Transition: Ideas to Make Your Synchronous Online Classes More Fun

April 29th, 2020

From:  Faculty Focus April 29, 2020 Article by:  Siva priya Santhanam, Ph.D. The transition to online teaching has been partially, if not completely, challenging for faculty teaching in colleges and universities. I am writing this article while reflecting on my own experiences since March 16, 2020, when our university made the decision to move to online teaching….

Read Full Text: Transforming Your Lectures into Online Videos

Transforming Your Lectures into Online Videos

April 17th, 2020

      From:  Faculty Focus  April 17, 2020     When I was asked to create an online course 20 years ago, I simply transcribed my face-to-face lectures into 10–15 page Word documents that I posted in our LMS. Don’t ask me how my students managed to get through them. I was making the…

Read Full Text: Free Webinar:  How to flip your class online when the world is flipping out

Free Webinar: How to flip your class online when the world is flipping out

April 14th, 2020

        Free Webinar from Eric Mazur, Harvard Professor and Co-founder, Perusall:     Like many of us, I have had to transition fast to teaching online because of the coronavirus pandemic. This sudden move to online teaching has been a good opportunity for me to rethink my approach to teaching. As you may know,…

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Last Modified: July 27, 2020


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