The Intel on AI: Adaptech Looks at Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities and Artificial Intelligence – April 7, 2021

The Intel on AI: Adaptech Looks at Post-Secondary Students with Disabilities and Artificial Intelligence

Virtual Lunch-&-Learn (in English)
Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

  • Catherine Fichten, Faculty at ÆßÐDzʿª½± and McGill University & Co-Director of Adaptech Research Network
  • Mary Jorgensen, Master Student at Athabasca University & Researcher at Adaptech Research Network
  • Anick Legault, Faculty at ÆßÐDzʿª½± & Researcher at Adaptech Research Network

What do college and university students with disabilities say about Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa? What are the exciting new AI-based software and apps? What do Google searches say? What does the scientific literature say? Why are these questions – and the answers – important for students with disabilities, for the professors who teach them, and for the professionals who provide access services to them?

To answer these questions, we will describe the results of (1) Google literature searches; (2) an environmental scan of the scientific literature; (3) a survey of 121 post-secondary students with disabilities on virtual assistants such as Siri; and (4) the recommendations of 38 national and international experts and individuals living with disabilities. We will discuss the implications of the findings for students with disabilities, faculty, and professionals who provide access services for students with disabilities.

Accessibility measures
Live captioning for the deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Simultaneous interpretation EN/FR.

*** We are committed to providing a barrier-free event. If you need any measure that is not mentioned above, please, let us know by contacting Pauline Claude at

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Last Modified: March 29, 2021