The Faculty Hub Website is Live!








The Faculty Hub is part of a plan to re-imagine faculty professional development at ÆßÐDzʿª½±.  It unites Communities of Practice, the Office of Academic Development, Human Resources and Information Systems and Technology to promote evidence-based pedagogical practices that engage students and help to develop the ÆßÐDzʿª½± Graduate Profile outcomes.

The website is a clearinghouse of academic-related information related to communities of practice, pedagogical resources, support, research and grants and professional development opportunities. The Academic Matters and ÆßÐDzʿª½±ITE newsletters can be found here.  They highlight interesting, innovative, effective pedagogical practices and projects and also share faculty stories to inspire faculty and foster community.

We hope you will find the Faculty Hub website useful, and we would like to hear from you!  The site will evolve based on your interests, so please send us your comments, ideas, suggestions and news stories.

A special thank you goes out to Chris Georgieff and Pat Phutthavong from the Information Systems and Technology department for their support.

Wishing everyone a great semester!

The Faculty Hub Coordination Team

Faculty Hub Logo small for website




Last Modified: January 16, 2020