SALTISE Webinar – March 26 – The Teamwork Challenge: Research to Practice

The Teamwork Challenge Webinar PART 2: Research to Practice
March 26 @ 14:30 – 16:00

As teachers, we make countless big and small decisions when using group work in our courses – some successful, others less so. When we look to the literature on this topic the messages are mixed. So, how should we interpret the research?

This second webinar, Part 2, focuses on this research to practice challenge. Two key goals of the session are to: (a) feature what the research says about group work and (b), spotlight how we can interpret this research within our varied contexts.

Throughout the discussion, we will be keeping in mind that while our contexts are different, and thus we may make different choices, these choices must still be rooted in evidence. Additionally, we must also remain conscious that our decisions have consequences that go further than we might imagine.

Join us on Friday, March 26th, for the second of a two-part series where we once again bring together a panel of experts of practitioner-researchers from University of British Columbia (UBC), Harvard University, Purdue University, McGill University and John Abbott College. Together we will explore how we might build β€œsets” of best practices guidelines, based on the research, filtered through the lenses of constraints and contextual differences.

What do we mean by β€œeffective” groups or group work?
What principles can we use to build our practices, given our range of teaching contexts?
What impacts do our choices on group work have on our students and how does this intersect with issues of gender/race/SES?
When considering homogeneous vs heterogeneous groups- which dimensions are the most important to focus on? Academic ability? Soft skills?

Presenters & Discussants include:

Joss Ives, University of British Columbia (UBC), associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Physics and Astronomy and Vantage College. Conducts research on equity in the science classroom and assessments that support learning, including two-stage group exams.

Kelly Miller, Harvard University, senior Preceptor, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Co-founder of the social annotation software Perusall. Conducts educational research on topics including group formation, closing gender gaps in science, and improving implementations of flipped classroom.

Matthew Oland, Purdue University, Professor, Engineering Education. Co-founder of the group formation and management software CATME. Conducts research on team-member effectiveness, student pathways in engineering, social justice initiatives in engineering.

Sidney Omelon, McGill University, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Engineering. Uses teamwork in her courses and CATME for building groups and managing group work.

Jackie Stewart, University of British Columbia (UBC), associate Professor, Department of Chemistry. Chemistry departmental Director for the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (2010-2017). Transformed over 180 courses in the Faculty of Science to include active learning. Uses a variety of software to manage teamwork.

Michael Dugdale, John Abbott College, college Professor, Physics Department. Uses group work frequently and several tools to support the management of these activities.

Phoebe Jackson, John Abbott College, college Professor Physics Department; and SALTISE Fellow for 2020-21. Uses many forms of active learning and tools to support group work.

Did you miss the first part of our webinar on teamwork? No worries! .


Last Modified: March 23, 2021