2019 Edition

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  • Read about this year’s DawsCon at: 
  • See the photos from this year’s conference at: 

The next DawsCon will be on January 10, 2020.

DAWSCON Montreal at Dzʿ on January 11, 2019 from 8:30 AM till 5:00 PM

Dzʿ will again be hosting its free one day software conference in Montreal, formerly called NetBeans Day, and now called DAWSCON. This conference is bringing speakers from the US, the EU and Montreal to speak to students and developers on a wide range of topics concerning software development. You chose to be a programmer and one of the commitments this entails is to life long learning. DAWSCON is the ideal place to start or continue!

The event is free to attend (with refreshments) and targeted at students, professional software developers and anyone with a general curiosity.

You can look forward to:

  • Demo-oriented sessions, with as few slides as possible. Lots of code!
  • Many useful takeaways and practical tips and tricks.
  • Sessions for desktop, server and beyond using Java and non-Java languages.
  • Lots of opportunities to speak to fellow developers and users.

DAWSCON, au College Dzʿ, le 11 janvier 2019, de 8h30 a 17h00.

Le collège sera à nouveau l’hôte de sa conférence gratuite à Montréal ; elle s’appelait NetBeans Day, et maintenant a pour nom DAWSCON. Elle permettra d’entendre des présentateurs des USA, d’Europe et de Montréal partager leur vue du développement logiciel, et de ses multiples aspects. Vous êtes un programmeur, et vous apprenez tous les jours ? Alors cette conférence est faite pour vous !

Cet événement est gratuit (des rafraichissements seront servis), et nous invitons les étudiants, les développeurs de logiciel, et tous ceux qui sont curieux.

Attendez-vous a :

  • Des sessions d’exemples : pas, ou presque de ‘diapos’
  • Des tonnes de recettes, de solutions pratiques
  • Des sessions pour serveurs, pour ordinateur, en Java, ou d’autres langages
  • Des rencontres avec des développeurs, des étudiants


8:00 – 8:30

  • Registration in the Cafeteria 3C

8:30 – 8:45

  • Welcome Address by Ken Fogel in the Cafeteria 3C

8:45 – 9:45

  • Session A with Simon Martinelli in the Cafeteria 3C
  • Session B with Mary Grygleski in Conrods 2F.4

10:00 – 11:00

  • Morning keynote with Venkat Subramaniam in the Cafeteria 3C

11:15 – 12:15

  • Session C with Deloitte’s Brett Leighton, Thomas Winter, Kevin Huang & Hrishikesh Kanabar in the Cafeteria 3C
  • Session D with Billy Korando in Conrods 2F.4
  • Session E with Sean Sullivan in classroom 3F.6

12:15 – 13:00

  • Lunch (bring your own or visit the mall)

13:00 – 14:00

  • Session F with Pratik Patel in the Cafeteria 3C
  • Session G with Félix Roberge in Conrods 2F.4

14:15 – 15:15

  • Session H with Hugh McKee in the Cafeteria 3C
  • Session I with Henri Tremblay in Conrods 2F.4

15:30 – 16:30

  • Afternoon Keynote with Josh Long in the Cafeteria 3C

The session schedule may change so check back from time to time.

Registration / Inscription

Speakers / Conférenciers

Venkat Subramaniam

President, Agile Developer, Inc., Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of , and an instructional professor at the University of Houston. He has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, and is a regularly-invited speaker at several international conferences. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with sustainable agile practices on their software projects. Venkat is a (co)author of multiple technical books, including the 2007 Jolt Productivity award winning book Practices of an Agile Developer. You can find a list of his books at .

Venkat’s presentation is Pointy haired bosses and pragmatic programmers: Facts and Fallacies of Software Development

Josh Long

Josh is a Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. Josh is a Java Champion, author of 5 books (including O’Reilly’s upcoming “Cloud Native Java: Designing Resilient Systems with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Cloud Foundry”) and 3 best-selling video trainings (including “Building Microservices with Spring Boot Livelessons” w/ Phil Webb), and an open-source contributor (Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Cloud, Activiti and Vaadin).

Josh’s presentation is Reactive Spring

Microservices and big-data increasingly confront us with the limitations of traditional input/output. In traditional IO, work that is IO-bound dominates threads. This wouldn’t be such a big deal if we could add more threads cheaply, but threads are expensive on the JVM, and most other platforms. Even if threads were cheap and infinitely scalable, we’d still be confronted with the faulty nature of networks. Things break, and they often do so in subtle, but non-exceptional ways. Traditional approaches to integration bury the faulty nature of networks behind overly simplifying abstractions. We need something better.

Spring Framework 5 is here ! It introduces the Spring developer to a growing world of support for reactive programming across the Spring portfolio, starting with a new Netty-based web runtime, component model and module called Spring WebFlux, and then continuing to Spring Data Kay, Spring Security 5.0, Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring Cloud Finchley. Sure, it sounds like a lot, but don’t worry! Join me, your guide, Spring developer advocate Josh Long, and we’ll explore the wacky, wonderful world of Reactive Spring together.


Henri Tremblay

Java Champion

Henri Tremblay est le seul Java Champion au Québec. Il dirige les projets à sources ouvertes EasyMock et Objenesis. Il est aussi l’un des contributeurs d’Ehcache. Quand il était jeune, il a développé le mocking des classes et inventé le concept de mocking partiel. Il codait avec pragmatisme.

Il a été depuis développeurs, directeur technique, architecte d’entreprise, créateur d’entreprise, conférencier et expert en performance. Avec pragmatisme.

Il aime l’optimisation et la productivité. En Java et en général. Il essaie d’être utile. Il est pragmatique.

Henri Tremblay is Java Champion. He leads EasyMock and Objenesis and contributes to Ehcache open source projects. When he was young, he made popular class mocking, invented partial mocking and was coding with pragmatism.

He has been developer, CTO, software architect, enterprise architect, startup founder, teacher and performance expert. With pragmatism.

He loves optimization and productivity. In Java and in general. He tries to be useful. He is pragmatic.

Henri’s presentation will be Java 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12: The useful tricks you missed.

Pratik Patel

Pratik Patel wrote the first book on ‘enterprise Java’ in 1996, “Java Database Programming with JDBC.” He is a Java Champion but codes in almost every language, except Perl. Pratik holds a master’s in Biomedical Engineering from UNC, has worked in places such as New York, London, and Hong Kong, and currently lives in Atlanta, GA.

Pratik’s presentation is Serverless Architecture in the Java Ecosystem

In this session, we’ll start with a short introduction to Serverless and what it means to developers, and why it’s important to understand this technology. Then we’ll survey Serverless options on the Java ecosystem to give you an idea of what is currently available. We’ll do some coding and demos to give you a better idea of what all this Serverless stuff looks like!

Mary Grygleski

Mary is currently a Java Developer Advocate for IBM’s Digital Business Group, specializing in Reactive Java systems. She has been riding the software tech waves since 1989, starting with Unix and C, then set sail for Java, open source, and web in the new Millennium, and now venturing into reactive, mobile, and the DevOps space. In her previous incarnations, she worked for several technology product companies in the Route 128 Boston Technology Corridor as well the San Francisco Bay Area. She now resides in the Greater Chicago area, and is an Executive Board member and the Director of Meetings for the Chicago Java Users Group (CJUG). Mary continues to be amazed by how software innovations can dramatically transform our lives. She can’t wait to see what the next tech wave will be like.

Mary’s presentation is Reactive for the Impatient (Java edition)

As Java is an object-oriented language that inherently supports the imperative programming style, asynchronicity presents a challenge that can turn the code into nightmare. One way to deal with the complexity of asynchronicity is to introduce reactivity onto the coding level (reactive programming), and/or to handle it on the design and architecture level (reactive systems design).

This talk presents to the audience a few of the major Java-based reactive frameworks and toolkits in the market today, such as RxJava, Spring Reactor, Akka, and Vert,x. It will start by going over the basic tenets of reactive systems, and some examples of the problems that these systems aim to solve. It will discuss the 2 most commonly used Java frameworks for implementing reactive coding – RxJava and Spring Reactor, and will show some code samples. It will then bring the audience to the next level of “reactivity’ by introducing 2 reactive frameworks – Akka and Vert,x, which are usually used for implementing reactive microservices. It will draw some comparisons between these 2 frameworks and cite some real-life examples of their usages.

The takeaways for the audience will be an understanding of the key differences between reactive programming versus reactive systems, and the strength and weaknesses of each of the surveyed frameworks.


Billy Korando

Billy is a developer advocate with IBM and has over a decade of experience. Billy is passionate about finding ways to reduce mental capacity waste from tedious work; such as project initation, deployment, testing and validation, and so on through automation and good management practices. Outside of work Billy enjoy traveling, playing kickball, and having his heartbroken by cheering on the Kansas City Chiefs.

Welcome to JUnit 5

After more than a decade of waiting JUnit 5 is here! So beyond adding poop emojis to the names of unit tests, what does JUnit 5 offer? This presentation will cover how the steps needed to migrate and write tests in the newest version of the framework as well as some of the the new and updated features in JUnit 5 including;

  • Parameterized tests
  • Test interfaces
  • Filtering and disabling tests
  • And more!

JUnit 5 is a big update to the automated testing experience in Java so this is a presentation you definitely don’t want to miss.


Félix Roberge


I’m a programmer, an architect, a technology enthusiasm, a conference speaker among other things that enjoy driving disruption and transformation to face the ever changing industry. I take pride in simplifying operations and driving innovation by providing lost cost, scalable and reliable software solutions that people will use and love. Believer of the added value of the community, I’m very involve in multiple user groups and in the Open Source Software movement.

I’m devoted in building and mentoring strong teams that nurture innovation and excellence will focusing on a stellar company culture.

Felix’s presentation will be How to Nurture a Stellar Career

Simon Martinelli

Simon Martinelli is a passionate Java, performance optimization and application integration expert with more than 23 years of experience creating efficient programming solutions as a developer, architect, and technical lead.

An active member of the Java community process, he has made key contributions to JSR-352 Batch Applications, JSR-354 Money, and Currency API.

In addition to coaching and teaching clients to optimize IT functions within business environments, he has been an Adjunct Professor at Berne University of Applied Science in Switzerland since 2007.

Simon’s presentation will be The Real Value of Microservices

Hugh McKee

Hugh McKee is a Developer Advocate at Lightbend. He has had a long career building applications that evolved slowly, that inefficiently utilized their infrastructure, and that was brittle and prone to failure. That all changes when we started building reactive, asynchronous, actor-based systems. This radically new way of building applications rocked his world. As an added benefit, building application systems became way more fun than it had ever been. Now he is focused on helping others to discover the significant advantages and joys of building responsive, resilient, elastic, message-based applications.

Hugh’s presentation is 7 Reasons why your microservices should use Event Sourcing & CQRS

Event Sourcing & CQRS offers a compelling and often controversial alternative for persisting data in microservice systems environments. This alternate approach is new for most of us, and it is justified to have a healthy level of skepticism towards any shiny new and often over-hyped solution. However, what is interesting is that this is so new that even the champions and evangelists often overlook the real benefits provided by this new way of capturing and storing data.

In this talk, we will look at 7 of the top reasons for using Event Sourcing & CQRS. These reasons covered go beyond the often referenced benefits, such as event stores are natural audit logs, or offering the ability to go back in history to replay past events. The primary goal of this talk is to flip your view from limited to no use of ES & CQRS to an alternate perspective of what you give up when you elect to not se it as the go-to persistence strategy.

Sean Sullivan

Sean Sullivan is a Principal Software Engineer at the Hudson’s Bay Company. HBC owns and operates multiple retail businesses, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Lord & Taylor, and TheBay.com. Sean has contributed to the AWS SDK for Java project on Github. He lives in Portland Oregon. Follow Sean on twitter: @tinyrobots

Sean’s presentation is AWS SDK for Java version 2.0

Amazon’s AWS SDK for Java version 2.0 is a complete re-implementation of the SDK for Java applications. It provides a modern API that leverages the latest capabilities from the Java platform. This presentation will highlight key differences between the V1 API and the V2 API. Also, we will examine the V2 HTTP layer and the updated API for AWS CloudMetrics.

Brett Leighton, Thomas Winter, Kevin Huang & Hrishikesh Kanabar

Brett Leighton

Brett has worked at Deloitte for 1.5 years, and is currently working as a Senior Solution Designer in the Omnia AI group. He has worked on multiple projects including big data transformation in the financial services industry, full-stack cloud application architecture in the oil and gas industry, and financial planning/automation in the pharmaceutical industry. Brett graduated from McGill University with a Bachelors of Software Engineering and enjoys financial investment and weightlifting.

Thomas Winter

Thomas has worked at Deloitte for 7 months as a Solution Developer in the Digital Customer group. He has worked on multiple projects including cloud-based IoT CRM implementations in the pharmaceutical industry, and is interested in digital health and life sciences. Thomas graduated from Thompson Rivers University with a Bachelors in Computer Science with a major in Software Engineering and practices Muay Thai in his spare time.

Kevin Huang

Kevin has worked at Deloitte for 5 months as a Solution Developer in the Workforce group. He has worked on multiple projects including cloud-based workforce management for clients in the financial services and marine transportation industries. Kevin graduated from University of Ottawa with a Bachelors in Computer Science, is an avid foosball player, and is interested in virtual reality.

Hrishikesh Kanabar

Hrishikesh has worked at Deloitte for 8 months as a Solution Designer in the AMS group. He has worked on multiple projects including AMS support and Salesforce development in the energy and health science industries, and is interested in cloud computing. Hrishikesh graduated from Concordia University with a Bachelors of Software Engineering, and enjoys cycling and mountain climbing.

The Deloitte presentation will be an introduction to the cloud and application of cloud servers and web technologies.

For more information, contact us at DawsCon@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

Pour plus d’information, veuillez nous contacter au DawsCon@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

Registration / Inscription:

Dzʿ is across the street from the Alexis Nihon Plaza where you will find a food court that caters to most tastes. Dzʿ is easy to get to as there is an entrance from the Atwater Metro station.

Le College Dzʿ se situe en face da la place Alexis Nihon, ou se trouvent des services de restaurations rapides de toute sortes. Il existe un entrée directe au collège depuis la station de métro Atwater.

Last Modified: March 6, 2023