2018 Edition

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NetBeans Day Montreal at Dzʿ on January 12, 2018 from 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM

Dzʿ will again be hosting Montreal’s NetBeans Day. Unlike large commercial conferences NetBeans Day is a community organized event. With NetBeans now part of the Apache Foundation the day is about more than just the NetBeans IDE. It is also a celebration of all things open source. The event is free to attend (with refreshments) and targeted at students, professional software developers and anyone with a general curiosity.

You can look forward to:

  • Demo-oriented sessions, with as few slides as possible. Lots of code!
  • Many useful takeaways and practical tips and tricks.
  • Sessions for desktop, server and beyond using Java and non-Java languages.
  • Lots of opportunities to speak to fellow developers and users.

Journée NetBeans, au College Dzʿ, le 12 janvier 2018, de 9h00 a 17h00.

Le collège sera l’hôte de la journée NetBeans. A l’opposé des grandes conférences commerciales, cette journée est un événement de la communauté. Comme NetBeans fait partie de la Fondation Apache, la journée ira au delà de l’interface de NetBeans. Nous célébrerons aussi le logiciel libre/ open source. Cet événement est gratuit (des rafraichissement seront servis), nous invitons les étudiants, les développeurs de logiciel, et tous ceux qui sont curieux.

Attendez-vous a :

  • Des sessions d’exemples : pas, ou presque de ‘diapos’
  • Des tonnes de recettes , de solutions pratiques
  • Java 9 et Java EE 8, EE4 pour les nuls
  • Des rencontres avec des développeurs , des étudiants


Our schedule for the day will be ready soon but for now here are this year’s speakers:

L’agenda du jour sera bientôt prêt, et voilà déjà les la liste des présentations de cette année.

Speakers / Conférenciers


Venkat Subramaniam

President, Agile Developer, Inc., Java Champion, JavaOne Rockstar

Dr. Venkat Subramaniam is an award-winning author, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of , and an instructional professor at the University of Houston. He has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia, and is a regularly-invited speaker at several international conferences. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with sustainable agile practices on their software projects. Venkat is a (co)author of multiple technical books, including the 2007 Jolt Productivity award winning book Practices of an Agile Developer. You can find a list of his books at .

Venkat will be presenting:

Twelve Ways to Make Code Suck Less 

We all have seen our share of bad code and some really good code as well. What are some of the common anti patterns that seem to be recurring over and over in code that sucks? By learning about these code smells and avoiding them, we can greatly help make our code better. Come to this talk to learn about some common code smell and how to improve the quality of code.

Exploring Java 9

Java 8 brought along a significant paradigm shift. Java 9 improves upon a number of things from Java 8 while bringing significant additions. In this session we will explore a number of language and JDK changes that programmers will greatly benefit from. We will also discuss the big elephant, Modularization, what that means, how to use it, and also how to transition existing code.


Henri Tremblay

Java Champion

Henri Tremblay est le seul Java Champion au Québec. Il dirige les projets à sources ouvertes EasyMock et Objenesis. Il est aussi l’un des contributeurs d’Ehcache. Quand il était jeune, il a développé le mocking des classes et inventé le concept de mocking partiel. Il codait avec pragmatisme.

Il a été depuis développeurs, directeur technique, architecte d’entreprise, créateur d’entreprise, conférencier et expert en performance. Avec pragmatisme.

Il aime l’optimisation et la productivité. En Java et en général. Il essaie d’être utile. Il est pragmatique.

Henri Tremblay is Java Champion. He leads EasyMock and Objenesis and contributes to Ehcache open source projects. When he was young, he made popular class mocking, invented partial mocking and was coding with pragmatism.

He has been developer, CTO, software architect, enterprise architect, startup founder, teacher and performance expert. With pragmatism.

He loves optimization and productivity. In Java and in general. He tries to be useful. He is pragmatic.

Henri présentera

Être pragmatique

Être pragmatique en développement logiciel est plus rare que ce à quoi on s’attendrait. Ou espérerait. J’ai vu tout au long de ma carrière de nombreuses extravagances. Des architectes, analyses et développeurs faisant ou croyant des choses qui ne font simplement aucun sens dans aucun monde connu.

À l’aide d’exemples tirés de mon expérience, je vais vous donner quelques trucs pour être plus pragmatique. Ce qui vous permettra des développer des logiciels que les gens voudront vraiment utiliser. Le tout avec humour. Que vous soyez gestionnaire, développeurs ou étudiant, vous devriez trouver ça intéressant.

Henri will be presenting:

Be pragmatic

Be pragmatic in software development is rarer than one would expect or hope. I’ve seen all sorts of craziness throughout the years. Architects, analysts and developers doing and believing things that simply made no sense in any worlds.

Using examples from my experience, I will teach you tricks to really be pragmatic. This will allow you to quickly develop software that people really want to use. Whether you are a manager or a developer, you should find it useful.


David Heffelfinger

Java Champion

David Heffelfinger is an independent consultant based in the Washington, DC area. He is a Java Champion, a member of the NetBeans Dream Team and is part of the JavaOne content committee.

David has written several books on Java EE, NetBeans, and JasperReports. His titles include Java EE 7 Development with NetBeans 8, Java EE 7 with GlassFish 4 Application Server, and JasperReports 3.5 For Java Developers.

David has been speaking at JavaOne every year since 2012. He is a frequent speaker at NetBeans Day in San Francisco, showcasing NetBeans features that greatly enhance the development of Java EE applications. Follow him on Twitter

David will be presenting:

Java EE 8 Overview

This session provides a high-level overview of new features of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, introduced in Java EE 8. New features include JSF 2.3, JPA 2.2, CDI 2.0, JSON-P 1.1, JAX-RS 2.1, and Servlet 4.0. Additionally, you’ll hear about new Java EE 8 APIs such as the new Security API and the new Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B).


Pratik Patel

CTO TripLingo & Code Hacker, Java Champion

Pratik Patel is the CTO of Atlanta based . He wrote the first book on ‘enterprise Java’ in 1996, “Java Database Programming with JDBC.” He has also spoken at various conferences and participates in several local tech groups and startup groups. He’s in the startup world now and hacks iOS, Android, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Rails, and ….. well everything except Perl.

Pratik’s specialty is in large-scale applications for mission-critical and mobile applications use. He has designed and built applications in the retail, health care, financial services, and telecoms sectors. Pratik holds a master’s in Biomedical Engineering from UNC, has worked in places such as New York, London, and Hong Kong, and currently lives in Atlanta, GA.

Pratik will be presenting:

A Gentle Introduction to Functional JavaScript

Functional Programming is available in many programming languages today. You probably know that FP is possible in JavaScript – but did you know that writing FP style JavaScript will lead to cleaner, more maintainable code? In this session, we’ll explore writing FP style JavaScript and cover the basics, and intermediate techniques. We’ll do a functional refactor and explain the reasoning along the way.

We’ll use mostly basic JavaScript and the underscore library for code examples to demonstrate Functional Programming in a simple to understand, and more practical, way.


Jérémie Lagarde

Jérémie est développeur Java depuis de nombreuses années et a été responsable technique pour une entreprise 100 % Internet dans le domaine de l’assurance. Il participe à plusieurs projets OpenSource autour du middleware JBoss et des outils de développement logiciel. Pour lui, partager ses connaissances est toujours une expérience très enrichissante. Il anime des ateliers pour les enfants avec l’équipe Devoxx4Kids et propose des présentations techniques comme celle-ci.

Jérémie is a senior software developer and was a technical team leader for a pure Internet player company in insurance domain. He participated in several open source projects around the JBoss middleware and development tools. For him, sharing his knowledge is always a very rewarding experience. He runs workshops for kids with the Devoxx4Kids team and offers technical presentations like this one.

Jérémie présentera

MicroProfile: La voie rapide pour vos MicroServices Java.

Qu’est-ce que MicroProfile? Attachez vos ceintures et bienvenue à bord de cette technologie pour faciliter vos microservices Java en production! Du concept à la pratique, nous verrons comment MicroProfile peut nous aider au quotidien dans nos projets. … 1.2, 1.3, MicroProfile.io a décollé!

Jérémie will be presenting

MicroProfile: The speed highway for your Java MicroServices

What is MicroProfile? Fasten your seat belts and welcome aboard on this technology to facilitate your Java microservices in production! From concept to practice, we will see how the MicroProfile can daily help us in our projects. … 1.2, 1.3, MicroProfile.io is launched!


Félix Roberge

Felix is a Software Engineering Manager for Intact Financial Corporation in Montreal, Canada. He is leading one of the finest development team, currently responsible for Web & Mobile applications. He began his career as a java developer more than 15 years ago. Before becoming a manager, he held various roles in different organizations such as developer and application architect.

Being an Innovation Evangelist, Felix is also leading a R&D team, which focuses on improving development life cycle in different areas such as: Continuous Integration & Delivery, Container Base Deployment as well as initiating a change towards a DevOps culture. Believing in the added value of the community, Felix is very involved in many user groups in the Montreal area such as: the Montreal JUG, the Montreal Docker User Group and RedHat User Group.

Furthermore, Felix is also an organizing member of the GitHub User Group. Felix has been a speaker at different user groups and conferences such as JavaOne 2016 and GitHub Enterprise Summit Toronto 2017.

Felix will be presenting:

Introduction to the World of Containers

With the rise of micro services came a change in the way we are deploying our application. We are moving away from a traditional infrastructure and moving toward containers. In this talk I will introduce people to the world of containers using the Openshift Container Platform from Red Hat. With hand on example I will demonstrate how we can get and app running in matters of minutes using cool feature such as Source to Images.


Francis Toth

Francis is a software developer, convinced agilist with over 12 years experience developing highly scalable web/mobile/backend applications, optimizing work processes and managing dev teams. He is currently interested by Functional Programming in general (Scala, Haskell, React…) and distributed computing. Aside from that, he works as a developer / trainer at Yoppworks, a Canadian Scala-dedicated consulting company.

Francis will be presenting:

Introduction to Functional Programming
In this presentation, you will learn the fundamental principles of Functional Programming. We will tackle this paradigm in a very practical way and avoid going into obscure Mathematical theory. We will first cover the very basics (expressions, referential transparency, purity, onion architecture,…) and then move to other concepts such as Algebras and composition. This talk mostly targets beginners but requires a good knowledge of basic programming concepts. All the examples will be in Scala, but knowing the language is not an absolute requirement.


Hrishikesh Kanabar & Kevin Huang

Hrishikesh Kanabar

Hrishikesh is passionate about Java, cloud technologies and artificial intelligence. He is currently working as solution designer at “Deloitte Inc.” in Montreal. He has great contributed to and worked with I.O.T, cloud, and Artificial intellegege. He is proficient with projects related to cloud hosting applications, deployment in the cloud, automation and management practices.

Kevin Huang

Kevin is a Solution Developer at Deloitte’s Canadian Development Center. He loves to combine his technical background with his business knowledge to come up with solutions to real life problems.

Presentation: Cloud Technologies: Introduction to the cloud and the application of cloud servers and web technologies


For more information, contact us at NetBeansDayMTL@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

Pour plus d’information, veuillez nous contacter au NetBeansDayMTL@dawsoncollege.qc.ca.

Registration / Enregistrement:

Dzʿ is across the street from the Alexis Nihon Plaza where you will find a food court that caters to most tastes. Dzʿ is easy to get to as there is an entrance from the Atwater Metro station.

Le College Dzʿ se situe en face da la place Alexis Nihon, ou se trouvent des services de restaurations rapides de toute sortes. Il existe un entrée directe au collège depuis la station de métro Atwater.

Last Modified: March 6, 2023