
Program Overview

By the time CRLT students graduate, they will have accumulated over 580 hours of practical experience in the field. This experience is crucial for breaking the cycle of no work without experience but no experience without work. The CRLT students have the opportunity to select where they do their three fieldwork placements, with faculty support, which allows them to explore various aspects of the field of recreation.



YEAR 1 TERM II Fieldwork I – 45 hours

The placement should focus on hands-on opportunities for students to practice activity leadership and animation skills directly with the clientele. The agency should introduce the student to their philosophy and structure to give them an understanding of the role of the agency and of professionals in the sector of recreation or community leadership.

Course skills which students may use in first year their Fieldwork experience:

  • Creation of lesson plans
  • Leading activities
  • Applying creativity and safety in their programs
  • Professional oral and written communications

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YEAR 2 TERM IV Fieldwork II – 90 hours

The second year placement enables students to understand the requirements of the team leader or coordinator position. Balancing activity leadership and event or program planning, students should have the opportunity to understand how to manage several responsibilities. By learning from their placement how to prioritize objectives in the workplace, students will transfer learning from the classroom to real life situations.

Course skills which students may use in a second year Fieldwork experience

  • Program planning
  • Activity leadership and theme development
  • Promotion and publicity skills, including social media applications
  • Basic event planning, logistics and budgeting
  • Workplace management including meetings and administration tools
  • Professional oral and written communication


YEAR 3 TERM VI Internship – 450 hours

The Internship experience provides an opportunity for students to test their skills and knowledge from CRLT in a real-world environment. The student acquire experience in recreation leadership, program coordination, facility management and other professional interactions while working with current professionals in the field. The prime focus of this graduating term experience, is for the student to learn by doing.

The expectation is that the student will have a challenging placement with a variety of tasks and responsibilities to be able to identify their strengths and shortcomings. Reflection, through logs and meetings, with ongoing self assessment, will help students deepen their knowledge and grow both personally and professionally to be ready for graduation.

CRLT Program skills which students can draw from for their internship experience:

  • Program Design & Activity Leadership
  • Group & Risk Management
  • Public Relations & Event Planning
  • Administration (Facility, Staffing, Financial)
  • Professional Oral and Written Communication



  1. Students propose their placement and submit a job or task description and agency information  to the CRLT department.
  2. CRLT Department approval is required before student can start their fieldwork placement.
  3. Each student will have an onsite Agency Fieldwork Supervisor, and a designated faculty advisor.  (The fieldwork supervisor may not be another CRLT fieldwork/Internship student)
  4. Each student is expected to meet regularly with their onsite supervisor and weekly with their faculty advisor.
  5. Fieldwork hours are expected to be scheduled weekly throughout the semester.
  6. Supervisors will be expected to complete a midterm and final evaluation for students under their supervision.
  7. Each student is expected to give at least two weeks notice before their hours finish.
  8. Faculty advisors will maintain regular contact with Fieldwork Supervisors throughout the semester.

Student Testimonial

Last Modified: February 4, 2021