Submission Deadlines

Submission Deadlines for Textbook Requisitions and Course Manuals

Instructors are advised to submit requisitions a.s.a.p.

  • For Books Sold During The Winter Semester: December 1
    Requisitions received after Dec. 1 will be considered late orders.
  • For Books Sold During The Fall Semester: June 1
    Requisitions received after June 1 will be considered late orders.
  • For Books Sold During The Summer Semester: May 1
    Requisitions received after May 1 will be considered late orders.

Bookstore Staff On Summer Holiday: July

Time Sensitive

Please inform your students that they have until the endΒ of the 8th week of classes to buy the required or recommended texts and/orΒ course manuals for their course(s). The stock-return process begins the 9th week of term.


  • Course manuals (photocopied material) are not to be listed on the textbook requisition form; this is a separate process. See Part 2 below.
  • Submit one requisition form per course listing total quantity needed for all sections; e.g., 240 for 6 sections.
  • Submit as many requisitions as you have courses (not sections).
  • On the requisition form, list titles in order of use during the term (if applicable).
  • Checkmark the appropriate required or recommended box.
  • If the ISBN number is known, please note it.
  • If you need a specific format, translation, edition (US vs. Cdn), etc., please note it on the β€œinfo” line.

If you are ordering a shrink-wrap package configuration, please:

  1. List the individual titles + ISBNs in the package on the requisition form
  2. List the package ISBN and package price (as arranged between yourself and the publisher)
  3. Clearly inform your students that they are buying a package and not individual books

Other Considerations

The Bookstore will order non-returnable texts if the department chairperson accepts financial responsibility for unsold stock. Before such a text is ordered, the Bookstore must receive signed consent from the chairperson.

Alternate book choices should be considered in the event that there are difficulties such as reprints, delayed release dates, publisher merger problems, global unrest, weather conditions, trucking in.

Copyright Considerations

All submissions containing any amount of a printed work must comply with copyright law.

Submission Contains No Copyrighted Material – What To Do

Bring the copy-ready material with you to the Bookstore.
At the Bookstore, fill out an authorization-for-sale form.

Submission Contains Copyrighted Material – What To Do

Bring the following to the Bookstore:

      1. The copy-ready material, and
      2. The completed Copibec or Universal Copyright Permission Form (complete bibliographic citation(s) are required).
      3. At the Bookstore, fill out an authorization-for-sale form.

Last Modified: March 26, 2024