Kaleidoscope Spring 2022

  Over the years at ÆßÐDzʿª½±, the Integrating Activity Course has encouraged students to embrace their creative side to create innovative works of art. After completing their projects, past students have had the honour of displaying their pieces in the college in the form of a graduating exhibition, showing off their craft and talent for others to marvel at and be inspired by. And now, it’s our turn!

The Integrating Activity class of 2022 is proud to present the newest rendition of this tradition, featuring new, awe-inspiring, meticulously crafted works. When you, the viewer, see the work, we hope that you will have as much fun looking at these artworks as we did making them!

Dealing with the aftermath of social isolation has impacted all of us differently as students. These projects in Kaleidoscope are in part a way for us to reconnect with our peers. We create art that represents who we are after being remote for so long. A diverse array of artwork from clothing, to paintings, zines, and other multimedia projects, we have been working hard to be able to put our artistic abilities on display to hopefully communicate our love for art with everyone. We hope you enjoy this agglomeration of personalities and are able to come along with us on this long voyage of making these artworks come alive.

Last Modified: September 28, 2022