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ALC Festival 2021

LEAP the title and theme of 2021 ALC Festival is an acronym for Learning, Energized, Across Profiles. Learning is an interactive activity where knowledge is shared and interpreted, this Energizes us to investigate, innovate and imagine across all the dynamic Profiles in the Art Communications and Literature program.

The festival will take place- May 7 – May 21. We will have a pre-festival event on May 5 which will continue on May 7, the Literature Profile Academic Conference. Please come and visit the events and exhibitions. The festival has been extended until May 31, please check the events ofter as there will be more great work from the profiles opening up. Media night will take place on May 28


Dates are tentative and if no date is listed it is TBD. This page will be updated frequently.

The festival will run until May 31




The Literature Profile Academic Conference will take place May 5th and May 7th from 12:00 to 2:00. The conference on May 7 can be viewed on the Literature page. The conference of May 7 can be viewed on the Literature events page


Arts and Culture

“Identity” online exhibition with live zoom event Friday, May 18  at 12:00

“Connection” online exhibition with live zoom event Friday, May 21 at 11:00


Studio Arts



Image_Languages IA_Section 02


Interactive Media Arts



Dzʿ Zoom Backdrop


Last Modified: October 14, 2021