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January 2020

Pedagogical Strategies and Practices

Teaching a contributing discipline in a technical program

Tailoring pedagogy to help students understand contributing disciplines in the context of their program.

Pedagogical Strategies and Practices

Breaking Down Walls: Using Outdoor Classrooms to Stimulate Learning

How the Living Campus pedagogy fosters higher levels of engagement and enthusiasm.


The changing student profile

Understanding the demographic characteristics and academic performance of students over the past 30 years.


Leadership for high-technology initiatives

Keeping ÆßÐDzʿª½± proactive in areas flowing from advances in technology.


Who are the Gen Z Phigitals?

The new generation of students integrates both the physical and digital worlds.

Research Projects

Refugee Boulevard: Making Montreal Home After the Holocaust

A unique opportunity to connect listeners with the stories of Holocaust survivors.


Escape into learning

Translating the experience of an escape room into pedagogical activities.

Spotlight on...

Last Modified: January 15, 2020


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