The Faculty Hub website is live!

Faculty HUB

The Faculty Hub is part of a plan to re-imagine faculty professional development at ÆßÐDzʿª½±. It unites Communities of Practice, the Office of Academic Development, Human Resources and Information Systems and Technology to promote evidence-based pedagogical practices that engage students and help to develop the ÆßÐDzʿª½± Graduate Profile outcomes.

Feedback from consultations with faculty and academic administrators yielded a number of themes of interest and importance. The events we offer, therefore, are generally associated with one of the following series:

  • Learning to Learn
  • Learning Technologies
  • Foundations of College Teaching
  • Assessment
  • Student-centred Teaching
  • New Faculty Integration
  • Special Topics… such as experiential Learning, e-portfolios, Living Campus, etc.

Are you interested in connecting with a community of practice or professional development opportunities? Need resources and support? Looking for inspiration? The Faculty Hub website is now available. We encourage you to contribute to the site with your news and suggestions for professional development opportunities. Your feedback about the site is also welcome!


Access the site from the ÆßÐDzʿª½± home page under Faculty & Staff, or through the Quicklinks tab.

Faculty HUB 2

For more information, contact Julia Lijerón, who is responsible for the coordination of the Faculty Hub.

Last Modified: January 15, 2020